Why Shouldn’t You Call A Dog By Name When Correcting Him?

Why shouldn't you call a dog by name when correcting him?

When it comes to dogs, more than once your pet hasn’t behaved like you wanted it to. Maybe he did some mischief and you scolded him? But how do you express this discomfort? Call him by his name?

In this post, we’re going to share some details of why you shouldn’t call your dog by name when you get his attention. But not all. We also teach you some basic rules. Let’s meet them?

Challenge and call by the name of a dog…

dog playing with owner

House rules are for the whole family and dogs are no exception.

If you get home and find that your little friend has ended up with your favorite slippers or some of your plants, make him realize the mistake. But be careful! For your mission to be effective you have to consider some facts:

Never call your dog by name when you are correcting him. Why? Several studies say that associating the dog’s name with a negative fact further reinforces this situation.

But then… what should I do?

If only you catch your dog doing something naughty you should talk to him calmly. Avoid yelling and don’t call him by name.

Make him notice what he did wrong at the time. Don’t wait for time to pass. Letting time pass helps to deepen misbehavior in dogs.

Never, never harm your dog. Hitting a dog will not resolve the misconduct. In some cases, it fuels the bad behavior even more. If you are damaging some furniture in the house, you should fix it without raising your voice.

Your tone should be firm and disciplined.

Why do dogs have bad behavior?

person training dog

First, dogs are animals. We see them as a member of the family, yes of course they are, but they are still animals. In other words, some behaviors or behaviors are characteristic of its nature.

For example, if your dog at some point chews up some of his favorite books and turns them into a thousand pieces, maybe that’s explained because he feels bored or needs more exercise.

That is, by modifying these aspects, his behavior can improve.

How to improve a dog’s behavior?

Socialization is a very important point. If your pet has not been well socialized since puppy, its behavior is likely to be complicated.

Surely you want to get close to him, he can ignore you or attack you. So, when bringing a new member home, it’s very important to know where he comes from, what his habits were, and if he was socialized.

If your pet continues to play pranks and attract attention, it may be because he needs more exercise. Does your pet take daily walks? What is his routine?

Depending on their breed and age, dogs need at least three outings daily. If your little friend is not getting this kind of attention he is likely to feel bored and therefore break down and destroy everything around him.

What if he is sick? Dogs are good at showing what happens. When in doubt, it’s best that you take him to the vet.

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