Why My Dog ​​likes To Bite My Shoes And How To Solve This Problem

It turns out that one day you come home and discover that your beloved pet took that day off to shred your best sneakers. Or you let yourself go for a few minutes and, in the meantime, your cute puppy has destroyed your new boots. That’s when, after cursing the four winds or practicing some relaxation techniques, you ask yourself:  Why does my dog ​​like to bite my shoes?

Biting different objects is a normal activity for dogs.

The answer is that dogs nibble and destroy different objects, not just shoes, for a variety of reasons. But we must understand that this activity is not unnatural for them, even though for us, from our human perspective, it is considered bad conduct.

So convince yourself that  your pet bites and breaks things, as this is as normal for him as digging  holes or barking.  The question becomes finding the balance so that these problems that are so uncomfortable for you and so common for your dog do not make coexistence between the two impossible. But how?

Patience and politeness are often the best words to tackle this issue with your four-legged friend.

Reasons why a dog likes to bite different objects

Before doing anything,  you should try to find out if there is any specific reason for your dog to attack your shoes or other objects you find inside the house, so you can find a more suitable solution.

If your pet is a puppy in the teething period, your dog will definitely need to chew things to lessen the inflammation and pain in his gums.

In that case, you should provide him with toys so that he can bite into whatever he wants and needs. Also keep in mind that puppies are very fond of exploring and getting to know the things around them. Therefore, it is normal for them to want to sniff and bite everything they find along the way.

Other reasons dogs bite their shoes

On the other hand,  if you let your dog spend a lot of time alone, he will undoubtedly destroy the shoes he finds along the way, because he may be anxious or bored. Then again, you should give your dog a lot of  toys  to entertain him during your absence.

In these cases, it  is also important that before you go out, go for a walk, play or do some exercise with your pet. That way he’ll be tired and relaxed, and he won’t want to destroy your stuff when you’re not home. Do not hesitate to consult a veterinarian so that he can give you advice on how best to deal with these situations.

Am I to blame if my dog ​​likes to bite my shoes?

You should also ask yourself what your degree of responsibility is in this whole matter. For example:

  • Have you ever given your puppy an old shoe to play with?

That’s a big mistake. First, your pet can’t tell a new object from an old one, or an expensive one from a cheap one, so any shoe will be a prized prey for your teeth. Second, if you let him play with this type of object once, he will think he will always have a free pass to do so.

  • Do you keep the objects that your dog can bite in a safe place?

Even though it’s true that your dog can attack different objects in your house, don’t leave things lying around, so you don’t complain that they’re destroyed later.

  • Did you bother to teach your pet to learn to bite your toys and not other objects?

This takes patience and dedication. But when you discover, for example, that the pet is biting a shoe, you must firmly say “NO” and give it a toy. In time, the pet will understand what it can bite and what it cannot bite.

Finding the healthy balance between happy dogs and safe shoes

Always keep in mind that  punishment is useless in this or in any other case that you associate with your dog’s misconduct. This will only make the situation worse.

You also shouldn’t fight with him after the fact has happened. The animal will only correctly understand why you are upset if you catch him in the act.

Also, don’t deprive your pet from performing an activity that is normal for him. Remember:  your dog likes to bite into things. This is because the prey for your teeth is the objects you provide for that purpose and not your very expensive, comfortable, or dear shoes.

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