Why Dogs Love To Sunbathe

Like many of us, dogs love to sunbathe. It’s not uncommon to see our furry friends looking for a little place where lightning from the star king arrives to lie down and even take a good nap. But do you know why they like it so much? Have you ever wondered if you are at risk to your health? Here we will tell you everything.

Discover the benefits that the sun offers to dogs

There are many reasons why dogs like to sunbathe. And they do it any time of year. But it’s not just a matter of taste. This practice contributes to your good physical and mental condition. For example:

  • Facilitates the absorption of vitamin D. This substance makes the hair better assimilate calcium and other minerals. In this way, they strengthen your bones and joints.
  • It boosts your immune system. It is very likely that dogs that have little contact with the outdoors and sunlight are more at risk of getting sick. And besides, they will be sadder.
  • Mitigates joint pain in elderly animals. The furry ones with advanced age usually suffer from rheumatic diseases. Sunlight helps them feel better and alleviates the discomfort these illnesses cause.

The sun, an ally for relaxation and canine happiness

But  there are more reasons why dogs love to sunbathe:

  • Contributes to your relaxation. A good sunbath is the best natural relaxant for pets. You will see how the levels of stress or anxiety that our pets experience will be remarkably reduced.
  • It makes them happier. Exposure to sunlight favors the production of serotonin. Also known as the “happiness hormone”, it acts as a neurotransmitter to keep your mood stable. In short, we can say that dogs surrender to the star-king, in exchange for happiness.

    More reasons to understand why dogs love to sunbathe

    There are even more reasons why dogs actively seek out the Star-King’s rays. Take note:

    • Sleep better. Sunlight also helps in the secretion of melatonin, a substance that regulates the sleep cycle in animals, providing better quality rest.
    • Provides warmth in cold weather. And yes, even though it’s obvious, it’s not a reason to let it go. But it is also true that there are dogs that are more vulnerable to low temperatures. This is the case with some short-haired breeds, such as the Chihuahuas . Or older dogs, whose coat is thinner. Certainly, these dogs will seek more contact with the sun in winter times.

    Precautions to consider when dogs are exposed to sunlight

    However, despite all the benefits that the star king provides to furry ones, you must take certain precautions. Assume that everything is good, as long as the right measure. So don’t let your dog spend too much time under the sun’s rays. You risk getting burns or a heat stroke that can even be fatal.

    Consider that:

    • In growing dogs, getting too much sun can cause them to absorb more vitamin D than they really need. Remember that excess calcium contributes to poor jaw and teeth formation. It also generates changes in the nervous, muscle and bone systems.
    • Animals with white fur or short fur are more susceptible to burns, heat stroke or heat stroke if they spend many hours under the sun’s rays.
    • You must ensure that your pet always has fresh water available.

    Keeping these details in mind, let your dog lie quietly in the sun and enjoy the finer things in life.

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