Which Animals Cannot Be Pets?

You cannot adopt these endangered species, as well as some wild specimens that can transmit disease or attack people because they are instinctively aggressive towards humans and other animals.
Which animals cannot be taken as pets?

The universe of domestic animals is so wide that exotic pets and prohibited animals have become increasingly popular : both buying and selling, and owning them as pets. What are the animals that cannot be considered pets?

Not long ago, in Madrid, a boy was admitted to a hospital with a bite from a snake that was supposedly raised by a friend.

Upon being seen, the doctors soon realized that it was a rattlesnake, an animal prohibited as a pet.

When the boy found himself about to reveal his friend’s secret, he asked for voluntary hospital discharge, even in the ICU. The police started an investigation to find out who owned the animal.

This shows us that  it is not a game to decide which pets we can and cannot have.  Not only for the fines associated with having one prohibited, but also for the damage they can cause to others.

So that’s why we want to inform you about the types of animals that cannot be taken as pets, so that you don’t make the mistake of adopting one.

Animals that cannot be taken as pets

tigers and lions

Due to safaris  and hunting to sell their skins, tigers and lions (picture that opens this article) are in danger of extinction.

Also, they are carnivorous animals that can attack you or a member of your family  at any time.

On the other hand, these animals are often found in developing countries, or even in underdeveloped ones. Which means they can transmit diseases that are contagious and even some that cannot be cured.


It is curious to include the raccoon in this list, since until a few years ago it was on sale in Spain, for example.

However, its danger was belatedly known. He can be aggressive and  transmit illnesses, such as rabies, to people.

Raccoon stealing food from trash

Apparently,  biological studies have shown that large numbers of raccoons are appearing in countries like Spain, which can be seen as a consequence of animal abandonment.


The Jupará is a carnivorous animal from Central and South America.  It is a very aggressive mammal and can pose a threat to its owners and those around it.

So much so that, even with all the gold in the world, you can’t get one as a pet.


land turtles

Some simply decide, when they  find an animal, to take it home to have it as a pet. This can be considered a crime, as is the case with land turtles.

land turtles

When they get sick or need a vaccine, owners go to the vet and that’s when they discover they’ve committed a legal infraction.

Amphibians and reptiles

For those who love snakes, lizards and frogs, or other such species, it is important to note that there is a long list of prohibited species.

You can find the list on the  Ministry of Agriculture and Environment website.


If you are thinking of purchasing an animal other than a dog, cat, hamster, or fish, make sure it is not a prohibited species and that you will have no problems having it at home.

Remember that, in addition to offenses for committing a crime, there is a danger that animals that cannot be taken as pets will harm a family member, a friend, or even yourself.

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