What Is Gateira Weed Or Catnip And Why Does It Drive Cats Crazy?

The so-called catnip or gateira herb is known to provoke intense reactions in our felines.
What is the weed gateira or catnip and why does it drive cats crazy?

The herb gateira or catnip is used as a toy or appetizer for many cats. Not everyone reacts to it the same way, as cats are, after all, unpredictable. In general, the vast majority of cats have made this plant their favorite fetish. Let’s find out what catnip is and why it is so popular.

What exactly is gateira or catnip ?

Scientific name Nepeta cataria, this plant is part of the same family as the common mint and can measure up to one meter in height. The main reason why cats are attracted to it is the action of the chemical compound nepetalactone, present in the leaves and sprouts of catnip .

This plant, originally from the European continent, has its name – Nepeta, which in Latin means “scorpion” – due to the general belief that it served as an antidote against the stings of scorpions.

catnip sheets

Cats often rub, sniff, and nibble on the plant. That’s because catnip’s nepelactone can trigger an energy spike similar to what humans experience with LSD. The effects of this herb usually last for about 10 minutes.

What reaction can it provoke in cats?

As we’ve already mentioned, the effects of gateira or catnip are similar to those that LSD causes in humans. Cats under its influence begin to show erratic and impulsive behavior, but only if they smell it.

When a cat ingests the plant, the opposite effect occurs. It acts as a potent sedative that will keep your pet out of combat longer than a normal nap. Incidentally, humans can also benefit from the herb gateira to better sleep.

gate weed

Not all cats are affected by it : it is estimated that only 50% of the feline population find this plant exciting or interesting. An important piece of advice: only give gateira to cats that have already reached adulthood. Puppies a few months old usually don’t react to it.

Catnip toys and accessories for cat lovers

An overexposure to gateira grass or catnip ends up desensitizing your animal to its effects, but with a little whimsy, you can brighten your pet’s afternoon by giving it fun moments.

  • Cushions stuffed with catnip . They are sold at any petshop. Your pet will drag them all over the house and will certainly try to open them. Of course, until something else caught his attention half an hour later.
  • Whole catnip branches can be a potent ally in puppy training. If you want your pet to stop sitting on the couch, leave the plant leaves in the scraper to get the cat’s attention.
  • Catnip sprays can help create new toys for your pet. Put it on cloths, socks, toys and so on, and the pet will be completely obsessed.

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