Use Of Oils On Animals

Use of oils on animals

The sensitivity of animals to oils and chemicals is greater than in the case of humans. Essential oils offer many benefits to our friends: they  boost the immune system, provide balance for the mind and body, help with wound healing, offer natural cleansing solutions, among other things.

Examples of oils

dog getting affection

Incense oils. It is a mild product that has many uses in relation to domestic animals and small birds, whether in relation to wounds, infections, skin tumors, fungi and bacteria, etc.

Lavender oil. Mixed with other elements, such as mint,  lavender oil is good for repelling parasites and calming the nervous system,  as well as for curing tumors.

Mint Oil. It is used, above all, if you want a quick cooling of different zones. An example of this is that the animal has had an activity with special fatigue, such as a competition, a long walk or a tiring day of play.

Benefits and Precautions

Although in general terms the use of oils in dogs is beneficial, it  is necessary to take some precautions as a form of prevention. Animals respond more quickly to the effects of oils than people. In addition, this is to avoid irritation if the oil is applied topically, and possible poisoning if the treatment is ingested.


Special care must be taken when applying oils to cats, as the molecules these oils contain are not eliminated in a short time and can be harmful to the animal’s liver and nervous system. A cat’s olfactory sensitivity is great and a scent that seems strong and potent to people can be harmful to the cat.

If we observe the cat in a strange posture or if we see it running away or other type of abnormal behavior, we can interpret the sign that the animal is suffering the side effects of the application of an aromatic oil, which is not doing it any good.


In the case of dogs it is a little different, they are a little less sensitive to the application of these aromas, whether through atmospheric spraying, cutaneously or orally.

The dog’s weight is one of the most important factors when establishing the amount of aromatic oil  applicable.

Among the benefits of these oils for dogs is the treatment of infections, problems with parasites, dermatological, rheumatic, digestive problems and lotions for the dog’s hygiene.

Domestic birds

If we have a bird at home, of any kind, we should know that  essential oils offer many benefits to birds. There are many studies and analyzes carried out on the inhibitory effect that oil offers to birds. One of the clear examples is Salmonella.

Coconut oil

petting the cat

Among the oils that offer the most benefits to animals in their application is coconut oil. The so-called “giardia” is one of the main affections of many animals. With the use of this oil, it is possible to fight it and prevent its appearance.

To get the benefits, you need to use a cold-pressed organic coconut oil. Otherwise, it won’t provide the necessary acids and nutrients.

Coconut oil helps to stabilize the animal’s metabolism, favoring the absorption of nutrients, regulating gastrointestinal and digestive disorders, helping to eliminate dead hair, and even eliminating bad breath.

If the animal suffers from skin allergies, coconut oil can be of great help, in  addition to preventing infections caused by yeasts, disinfecting wounds, helping healing and generally improving resistance to disease.

Coconut oil is very effective as a nutritional element and in its benefits for the skin of all types of animals, especially in the case of horses, birds, dogs and cats. In addition, another advantage that the application has is that most of these animals, resistant to most aromas, are very receptive when it comes to the smell of coconut.

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