Treating Dogs Like Humans Is A Form Of Abuse

animal is not human
Treating dogs like humans is a form of abuse

The love we feel towards our pets can cause us to lose our minds and show an inordinate affection for them. This might even lead us to treat them like human beings and  could turn out to be extremely dangerous. Animals have needs that are very different from ours. Let’s see how humanizing is also a form of abuse.

We must be aware of the similarities and differences between dogs and humans. Only then will we be tolerant, respectful and we will be able to enjoy living with our dog, allowing him to do the same too.

They have needs that are attributed to the canine species. Meeting different needs can cause you to lose your personality or worse. For example, dogs don’t need to sleep in a bed or change menus every day.


Treating a dog like a person can cause him to create negative human thoughts and feelings, such as revenge and anger.

The good education of a dog is essential for a good relationship. Also, to get him to achieve that goal, you have to understand that they don’t think like us. This is because he learns thanks to associative memory. The dog is able to remember the consequences of his actions and relate them to something positive or negative, acting accordingly.

similarities with us

Dogs, like us, are sociable and need company around them, not only to be happy, but also to survive.

Also, they like to listen to music. Thanks to your sensory perception, when you perceive something pleasant, your body generates endorphins, which give you a feeling of well-being and relaxation. So much so that music therapy is performed with dogs too.

Differences with humans

Dogs have an incredible olfactory ability. They are able to perceive stimuli that we will never be able to perceive. This makes them usable for rescue and rescue operations.

On the other hand, an animal does not have a great ability to differentiate flavors, which is why the feed made especially for them has all the necessary nutrients. What’s more, feeding the animal the food we eat can be more harmful than beneficial.

Dangers of Treating Dogs Like Humans

Since dogs are so different from us, it ‘s clear that their needs are different. Therefore, covering unnecessary needs would only confuse the animal. This could lead to problems in coexistence and also in behavior.

Dogs are pack animals. In order to educate them and make them behave the way we want them to, they must feel that we are their leader. If we treat him as a human being, he could get confused and want to occupy a place that is not his.

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This can trigger aggressive behavior with family members, other pets, and even other people.

Also, humanizing a dog would make it lose its identity. If the puppy does not feel like it, he will no longer be excited by the idea of ​​going out, eating when the time is right, sliding on the floor, playing with other dogs.

Another problem that could trigger the humanization of a dog is socialization. A dog that is treated like a human being does not want to be with other pets, something essential for its personality and its good development. This would make the animal not a happy animal, one that enjoyed the company of its fellow men, and we would be robbing it of something that is inherent in its nature.

Socialization is essential for the animal’s balance, so not having it would motivate the dog to overreact to certain situations, which would cause him unnecessary suffering, which could have been avoided.

After all the facts mentioned, we don’t want to imply that we should like our dogs less, but that we should do it in the right measure,  considering what they are: dogs, not human beings.

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