Toys Made From Recycled Materials For Pets

Materials that humans consider trash can be turned into recycled pet toys with very little work.
Toys made from recycled materials for pets

With the current isolation in virtually the entire world, the perfect opportunity to socialize with animals at home arises. In particular, you can take advantage of free time every day to make recycled pet toys. It’s a cheaper and eco-friendly option, so everyone wins.

Here are some very simple ideas for making homemade toys as a family and with few materials. Don’t miss it!

1. Denim strings

To make this toy, you will need the following materials:

  • Jeans or old pants.
  • Scissors.
  • Any toy that emits whistles.
  • Cold silicone.

This is one of the recycled pet toys that you can make very easily. First, cut the denim fabric vertically to your liking. Then, take the seam part and apply some cold silicone, then just wait for it to dry and place the toy you chose in the middle.

Then you have to tie a knot in one end, while sewing on the other so that the toy gains more resistance. This will ensure that the indoor toy doesn’t slip out of the denim fabric if your pet is too playful.

A smart dog in a mind game.

2. Prize pyramid

To make this toy, you will need the following items:

  • 21 tubes of toilet paper.
  • Silicone.
  • Scotch tape.
  • Awards.
  • Ink.

The main idea is to make the shape of a pyramid with the empty toilet paper rolls as follows: put 6 on the first level, 5 on the next and so on, until there is only one roll on the top floor. To join each floor to the next, we recommend applying a layer of silicone.

To give more stability to the toy, the structure can be adjusted with adhesive tape so that the rollers do not move out of place. Then it’s time to paint the building in your pet’s favorite colors. Finally, put some prizes or rewards in some holes and let your pet have fun looking for them.

3. Plastic bottle toy

The plastic bottle toy requires the following materials:

  • Plastic bottle.
  • Socks.
  • Liquid silicone.
  • Small stones.

Take a plastic bottle, remove the cap and place some small stones inside. After closing tightly, place the bottle inside a sock or sock and secure with liquid silicone. You can use 1 or 2 socks to protect the toy properly. Finally, you can tie a tight knot so the bottle doesn’t come out.

4. Cardboard tunnel

You will need the following materials:

  • 2 or 3 medium sized cardboard boxes.
  • Stylet.
  • Scotch tape.
  • Ink.
  • 20cm rope.
  • Silicone.

Another of the recycled pet toys is the cardboard tunnel, especially for small pets that don’t spoil it easily. To assemble, it is necessary to open the boxes and join them with adhesive tape or silicone to create the shape of a tunnel. It is important to open small holes in the boxes so that the animal does not feel trapped.

These holes will also help the animal to see from the outside and inspect the tunnel. The rope can be split into several parts and glued inside the tunnel. You can decorate the exterior with paint and make figurines out of dog or cat footprints.

5. Toy with T-shirt

You will need the following materials:

  • 3 or more shirts of different colors.
  • Scissors.
  • Liquid silicone.

Start by cutting several strips of shirt or t-shirt approximately 12 inches long, from the base of the shirt to the neck. Then tie a knot in one end and apply a little liquid silicone so that your pet can’t come loose.

Depending on the number of shirts you decide to cut, you will have to separate the strips by color and then choose 3 of them to make a braid. The idea is that your dog will feel attracted to the toy, so we recommend the use of shirts in different colors. Finally, tie a knot at the end of the braid and secure with silicone.

6. Bow to jump


  • Bow.
  • 2 traffic type cones.
  • Scissors.
  • Silicone

This is the ideal toy for playful pets who can learn new tricks and enter contests. Take the 2 transit cones and place them at a distance where the bow can rest in the middle of both elements. Calculating the distance, cut a top part of the cones so that the bow can be fitted to them and apply silicone to secure the toy.

Many recycled pet toys can be made.

All of these toys help reduce the amount of garbage that often ends up in the oceans or forests. In addition, its construction allows you to share moments with your pet and enjoy moments of play and recreation with it. Remember that spending quality time with your pet improves both his physical and mental state.

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