Toothpaste For Dogs: Which One Is Ideal?

Toothpaste for dogs: which one is ideal?

Sensitivity, both in teeth and gums, is also a result of poor oral hygiene. Remember that good oral hygiene will prevent more complex problems in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to use the toothbrush every day using a toothpaste for dogs.

In addition to good breath, toothpaste for dogs helps preserve the animal’s teeth. Constant brushing reduces the formation of tartar, which in the long term can turn into plaque.

Periodontal problems are more common in adult dogs, but they arise as a result of poor oral hygiene during their youth. As with people, caring for the teeth of animals should also be a habit.

Why Use Dog Toothpaste?

Thanks to the friction of the brush, toothpaste for dogs will help to remove food residues from the dog’s mouth.  When these residues are not completely removed, tartar or a white film forms on the teeth.

toothpaste for dogs

This tartar reacts with bacteria to form plaque, a hard coating that sticks to your teeth. In some cases, to eliminate plaque, specialist intervention is required.

Plaque formation can bring more complex medical problems.  One of them is gingivitis which is inflammation of the gums. This disease can lead to tooth loss if not treated correctly.

Sensitivity, both in teeth and gums, is also the result of poor oral hygiene. The best way to treat periodontal disease is to see a specialist.  After diagnosis, the veterinarian will be responsible for applying the most effective treatment.

Recommendations for cleaning dog teeth

Oral hygiene is a habit that should be introduced gradually. Impositional or violent forms can generate a negative reaction on the part of the animal. The most common is that, in the beginning, the animal bothers or rejects the dental cleaning process. It is the owner’s obligation to continue with the procedure until the dog gets used to it.

Toothpaste for your dog

To make oral hygiene a habit, consider the following recommendations:

  • Make use of an appropriate toothbrush. The toothbrush must be suitable for dogs. Some experts suggest using the finger as an adaptation method, and then implementing the brush.
  • Another way to accustom the animal is to use a brush cover. In this way, it is possible to minimize the brushing sensation and reach the back of the mouth. 
  • Use dog toothpaste. No way do you use toothpaste for people, not even children. Unlike humans, dogs do not know how to spit and tend to swallow the liquid in their mouths.
  • Toothpaste for dogs is special so that it does not affect the animal’s body in case of ingestion.  In addition, it contains enzymes that help control bacteria in your teeth.
  • Create oral hygiene habits. Like humans, dogs must get used to having their teeth brushed at the same time every day. If daily brushing is not possible, be sure to periodically brush once or twice a week.
  • Visit the veterinarian periodically. During the visit to the specialist, it is important that he check the animal’s teeth. This is the time to ask questions about oral care. Another important aspect to be considered is correcting the brushing technique and the use of toothpaste for dogs.

canine toothpaste

Other options

In addition to the commercial versions, there are homemade recipes for making toothpaste for dogs.  The base of the formula is baking soda, which is mixed with other edible ingredients. Depending on the ingredients used, the animal can accept the recipe better. There are formulas that use chicken stock, brewer’s yeast and coconut, but the most basic is baking soda with water.

In the case of adult dogs, there are chewable products that help with oral hygiene. These are forms of food that improve breath and help eliminate waste and tartar. However, these products are not a substitute for brushing. To maintain good dental health in your dog, brushing is essential.

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