Tips To Protect Your Cat From The Cold

Tips to protect your cat from the cold

If you live in a place with severe changes or rain and drought cycles, it is important to keep your pet protected from excessive heat and cold. Among other peculiarities, cats are particularly sensitive to cold, so you may notice some changes in their behavior that will help you prepare for the cold seasons. 

There are many things you can do to support your kitten during these times, so My Pets gives you some tips to protect your cat from the cold.

The first thing to consider is your pet’s special conditions, for example, a cat that always stays indoors requires much less attention to keep it warm than one that ventures out from home every now and then or if If you have adopted a stray cat, some special situations will require your attention.

Premature kittens and cats. The immune system of young cats and kittens is not yet well reinforced and they are more vulnerable to developing health problems related to climate change, for example colds or more serious illnesses; this risk is increased in newborn cats.

These require an extra amount of calories in their diet, which will help them stay warm, as well as need external heat sources such as blankets and the like, even if they are already weaned.

Cats over 7 years old. Similar to kittens, older cats have weakened immune systems, which makes them a little more vulnerable and less resistant to the cold.

Cuidados com os gatos no frio

Shorthair cats. Cats that feature short fur, such as the Siamese, or hairless cats, such as the Sphynx, which for obvious reasons are more vulnerable to the cold.

You should help them through a high-calorie diet and through external heat sources such as clothes or blankets.

Prevent the cat from going outside in cold weather if it has these characteristics, and prevent any problems that might develop in the respiratory system.

Sick cats. Sick cats have weakened defenses, so they are susceptible to changes in temperature, and they make their illness worse.

Pay attention to cats with common problems (eg bone arthritis), because the cold makes them feel pain, special attention also to cats with diseases of the respiratory system, renal system and heart.

Recommendations to protect them from the cold

Como proteger os gatos do frio

protect the coat

Your cat’s main defense against the cold is the coat, keeping it healthy is vital for the coldest seasons.

Normally, as part of its preparation for these seasons, the cat will go through a coat renewal process, in addition to which a thicker coat will appear which tends to fall out at the beginning of the warm seasons.

Therefore, you should get your cat used to daily grooming, especially if he has long or thick fur. This way, you will prevent them from matting, falling into the eyes and a dermatitis from developing.

You should also pay attention to the health of your pussy’s skin, hardly a diseased skin can provide the right conditions for a healthy hair change to occur.

diet care

This will depend, as indicated above, on certain conditions specific to your pet. In general, a cat that is kept indoors, has sufficient fur, and is healthy does not require a change in its diet to cope with the cold seasons.

But if that’s not the case, you should supplement their diet to help them generate calories and fat so they’ll have extra protection against the cold.

However, because pussies reduce physical activity during the cold, when keeping the caloric load high, excesses should be avoided, as they can develop obesity.

Some veterinarians recommend strengthening the cat’s immune system by taking vitamins, but for this you should consult a specialist before giving it to your pet.

External Power Supplies

One thing that will help a lot, especially at night, is elevating the cat’s sleeping space a little to keep it off the cold floor.

You can also use thermal blankets under your mattress or put a hot water bottle, but monitor the temperature, because too much heat is just as bad as too much cold.

If your cat is used to it, you can dress him up in a little outfit, but be aware that he may end up stuck in a wall or tree.

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