Tips To Help Stray Cat Adoption

Tips that help in adopting a stray cat

According to surveys, Brazil has around 30 million abandoned animals, the vast majority being cats and dogs. If you decide to adopt a stray cat, there are some important rules that must be followed.

Adopting a stray cat, a well thought-out decision

The first thing we have to do is take into account that this is a responsible and well thought-out decision. A cat that is abandoned on the street needs help, but its distrust of others who approach it will be very high, among other things, because it may have suffered abuse. The animal may also have developed trauma, which can cause some aggression. An alternative to permanent adoption is provisional, that is, while looking for a home for the animal and a permanent family.

stray cats

To pick up a stray cat, you need to be very careful, because it’s not uncommon for the animal to try to bite or scratch you. A calm tone of voice and some food appealing to him will be the first steps. Another positive issue is asking for help from a veterinarian, caregiver or specialist.

An indispensable element to collect a stray cat is the transport box. Once we manage to collect a feline, this box will serve to be able to take the animal home without danger.

Coming home after adopting a stray cat

The first contacts with the rescued cat in your home are important. It is necessary to open the doors and leave all spaces open for the newcomer to move, at least in the first moments after arrival. Let him walk through all the rooms. This will give you confidence and security.

Another important aspect is not to force the cat out of a secret hiding place. The refuge you need, whether under a chair or furniture, obeys a need that cats have from time to time, and that we must respect.

The words we address to them should serve to reassure them and gain their confidence. From time to time we will approach the place where they are meeting so that they can start to get acquainted with their new owners and friends. In the room he has chosen as a shelter, we must put food, water and the litter box for the first few days. Some time later, the time will come when we, the owners, will decide the place they should occupy inside the house.

When there are more cats in the house

When we have more cats in the house, the issue becomes a little more complicated. At this point, the character of the cats will have an impact, in an individual way, because they already have a natural distrust from the beginning, especially if we have taken the newcomer off the street.

To facilitate this first encounter, the animal’s transport box will be the best tool. The ideal is to leave it inside this compartment, and place it in the central room of the house, where it can interact with the other feline companions. In the first few moments, cats will sniff themselves, “introduce” themselves and get to know each other in their own way. As long as they are inside this transport mechanism, the place will convey the necessary confidence and security.

If the acceptance is positive, you can now release the feline and let it examine your surroundings without obstacles, but under the supervision of the owners.

Other Ways to Adopt a Stray Cat

cat in the street

  • Catching a stray-born or abandoned cat can be a difficult operation. The best thing to do is ask a specialist, a veterinarian or a protective association for help.
  • While it seems obvious that the feline has no owner, you can’t be absolutely sure of that. So it’s best to be sure of your situation.
  • The animal abandoned on the street may have some type of disease and/or parasites. Therefore, it is advisable to take him to a veterinarian for an in-depth review. Thus, you will be able to discard any disease, fleas, etc.
  • It can also happen that if there are more cats in the house, the newcomer may transmit some disease to those inside. Therefore, it is best to leave them separate until you are absolutely sure that there is no risk.
  • It is advisable to do everything possible so that the cat taken from the street feels totally free in your home. This will help you to integrate better into your new home.

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