Tips For Mastering The Walk With Your Dog

Tips to master the walk with your dog

The dog is a social animal, used to living in packs when found in the wild. By the time we notice that our friend is misbehaving when he goes out for a walk, he may have leadership gifts. But you can get to control his behavior and generate a stable and comfortable environment for your pet. See these tips to guide your dog’s walk.

In any case, your canine friend should begin to understand that the leader in the walk is you and not him. This way, you will control the decisions that will be made on the tour, and you will receive his respect and loyalty in return.

The fight for dominance on the walk with your dog

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You’ve noticed that your dog has common behavior problems, such as letting go of the leash during walks, bad manners around other dogs and people, or barking and whining, and it’s possible that there’s a fight with you to be the leader.

Without an established pack leader, your dog will feel the need to assume this role himself, and this can lead to different behavior conflicts.

Once you take on the role of pack leader, you’ll notice your pet’s anxiety and nervousness being reduced.

You can make these changes in your dog’s behavior regardless of size, breed, age, etc.

think like a dog

Empathy with your pet should lead you to put yourself in their shoes, analyzing your surroundings, to get mutual fun on your dog’s walk.

Shows of affection during the tour

It is not always necessary for you to touch your friend to show affection. A simple look can also serve to discipline and congratulate you. With our eyes and the energy they give off, we can express many messages.

Creating boundaries

The limits on what can and cannot be done, it is up to you to set them. The dog has to assimilate it and limit itself to obeying it.

fun and fun

Don’t forget that playtime is important for your dog’s mental stability and your relationship with him.

Your dog must seek your permission to start playing. Again, you are the one who will set the rules.

Keep calm on the walk with your dog

Never lose patience while walking your dog, even if your dog breaks the rules all the time and doesn’t obey. You must not intimidate or use violence in order to demonstrate your authority. You have to act a little cunning.

train basic orders

It is your duty to educate a good “urban citizen”. With basic orders such as “sit”, “stop”, “come”, “quiet”, etc. Your dog will assimilate the interaction he will have with you.

walk in front of the dog

If you walk in front of the dog, even if it doesn’t look like it, he will end up seeing you as the leader of his pack.

a short collar

The short collar will give you more control. Especially if your puppy is a large size. You don’t always have to get him arrested, there will be times when both can enjoy games and other activities, but in a space without the presence of people.

Rules for mastering the walk with your dog


It is necessary to dedicate some time to the tour and not finish it too soon. Your puppy needs time to walk and feel good. The ideal would be between half an hour and an hour daily.

How many times a day? About three times a day is adequate. You have to try to do this morning, noon and night. If possible, in winter, do it in the coldest hours and, in summer, avoid the hottest hours.

Once we’ve taken a walk and the dog’s behavior has been correct, you can leave “free time” for him to explore his surroundings. For him, time that allows him to take care of the needs and sniff, that’s a real prize.

In addition, we will decide when the time to sniff ends, you must take into account that it must always be less than dedicated to walking.

When your pet needs it, you should take a small bag to collect the droppings and deposit them in the trash.

When you return home and the animal is anxious to receive food, water, etc. you have to know how to train him so that he knows how to wait. You have to take a while to put your collar, remove your coat or shoes, etc. It’s a time, in which he has to have the necessary patience.

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