Tips For Keeping A Clean House With A Dog

Advice to keep the house clean living with a dog

Having an animal at home cannot be an excuse for the house not to be clean, but rather the opposite, since we are now paying more attention to cleaning the house. When we have a pet living with us, we receive in return, a multitude of benefits.

However, like everything else in life, the experience is not without some drawbacks and one of them is that our house will get more dirty.

So that this does not happen, we will pass on to you, in this article, we will give some advice to keep the house clean living with a dog.

That cleaning does not prevent you from living with your dog

Cleaning and dogs

Many people have already turned back after deciding to adopt a dog, thinking of the inconveniences it would bring in terms of home hygiene.

It is true that, in a home, the more inhabitants there are, the more dirty it will become. However, it is also true that if everyone does their part, the problem is minimized.

So you shouldn’t regret the decision you made, know, therefore, that you have made a good choice and that it is possible, yes, to live with a dog and also to keep the house clean.

How to keep the house clean if we have a dog

  • Clean daily. The famous phrase “Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today” is very true, so don’t delay cleaning and do it daily. This will prevent dirt from accumulating and it will be easier for you to want to continue living with a dog.
  • Eliminate the bad smell. When we enter a house, one of the first things we notice is the aroma. For this reason, we don’t want the first thing our guests to notice is that we are living with a dog. It’s also not a good idea to fill the house with flavorings and mask one smell with another, as this will end up being unpleasant. It is better that some of the many tricks that exist to combat this problem are put into practice. Don’t forget to take care of your breathing as well.
  • Simplify your home. One of the problems you may have when cleaning your home when you have a pet is that you have furniture and equipment that are difficult to clean if they are cleaned. Therefore,  choose rugs that do not require great care and are not complicated to clean.
  • No ammonia. One big mistake we can make when cleaning our house is to clean with ammonia. Never use it, as its smell is similar to urine and the result, as you can imagine, will be disastrous.
  • No trace of hair. One of the worst moments when we are living with a dog is the exchange of fur. So the need for cleaning multiplies. We should use the vacuum cleaner both for sofas, the floor and the rest of the surfaces that our pet is used to.
  • Brushing. Both in the change of fur and the rest of the year, keep the habit of brushing your dog daily. In this way, we will reduce as much as possible the problem of finding hair everywhere.
  • Goodbye to the duster. Stop using the duster to clean the dust, with it you only spread the dirt more. It is better to wipe the furniture with a damp cloth.  This way you will remove the dead hair and other dirt that may be on them.

    Tips to keep the house clean

    • Keep your dog’s belongings clean. Don’t have a corner full of cluttered junk for your dog to sleep. That everything is always organized and clean, this way living with a dog will be more peaceful, easier and easier to maintain. Chaos is very stressful for everyone, humans and animals.
    • The animal’s bed. Make sure you shake your dog’s bed daily, including pillows, blankets, mattresses, and dolls. Also, try to wash them once a week.
    • Education. For everything in life, education is essential, for cleaning the home as well. In this way, get your pet used to having good hygiene habits, bathing him every 15 days and teaching him to take care of his needs outside the home as a puppy.
    • Ventilate. Something fundamental for breathing fresh air is to ventilate the house. Open the windows wide and let the fresh air wash away any bad odors. Do this in both summer and winter.

      And, one last piece of advice: be patient. Don’t forget that when you’re living with a dog, you’re living with an animal, so don’t forget your limitations.

      Image credits: Juan José Richards Echeverría

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