Tips For Having A Pet Turtle

Keep in mind that these reptiles have a different diet depending on whether they are terrestrial or aquatic. Land turtles are herbivores, while aquatic turtles are carnivorous.
Tips for Owning a Pet Turtle

In addition to a dog and a cat, we can have other animals in the house. A pet turtle can be a good option if it is allowed in the country where we live. In this case, we recommend that you read the following article, in which we will give some advice.

How to have a pet turtle

These reptiles are known for their large carapace. The turtles most chosen as pets are the terrestrial ones, although there are also those in fresh or salt water. Pay attention to these tips if you want to adopt one:

  1. Visit a pet store

If you’re sure that local law allows you to have a pet turtle, you’ll have no problem buying one at a specialty store. Don’t buy online and check if it’s a legal operation,  say no to wildlife trafficking.

  1. buy everything she needs

Having a pet turtle is not very expensive, but you should buy some necessary items. It all depends on the type of turtle in question.

For example,  terrestrials need a haven to hibernate in winter and a place where they can dig.

  1. Choose the ideal environment for them at home

If your turtle is always going to stay indoors, it is essential that you offer a shelter with earth or sand, plants, stones where it can sunbathe – remember that it is cold-blooded – and different areas: for food, sleep and do your needs.

turtle in the grass

In case your pet also has access to the outside, it will need a space with natural grass and lots of sun. 

Put up a fence so the animal doesn’t get too far out of your sight, and pay attention to the wells they dig… they can dig holes up to two feet long!

  1. feed her correctly

Another  tip  for having a pet turtle is related to its diet. You have to consult the veterinarian – specialized in this animal – to find out what is best for her.

Those on land are herbivores, eating leaves, lettuce, grass, cabbage and some fruits, such as tomatoes, apples, pears and strawberries.

Aquatic animals tend to be carnivores : they eat earthworms, crickets, baby lobsters, snails and also raw meat.

turtles eating feed

In any case, keep in  mind that turtles don’t eat daily like a dog or cat. 

Maybe three days go by without requiring food. If after two days she has not eaten, remove the food and put fresh food back in again. The same goes for drinking water.

  1. Keep hygienic and clean

It is very important that you clean your pet’s house. In the case of turtles, their urine has a very strong and unpleasant odor.

The feces can be removed with a small blade, as used for the  litter box  of the  cat. Carefully clean any areas of your shelter that may be dirty, also with food.

  1. spend time with your turtle

After the first month she will have acclimatized and got used to her new home… they are very shy and fearful! But after a while, she will trust you and recognize you as the one in charge of  feeding her.

If she bites you, maybe it’s because she feels in danger. In that case, leave her alone for another week and avoid the approach unless it’s to feed her. Don’t forget to disinfect the wound well.

Finally, if you have a pet turtle, make it happy: provide it with a big house and quality food, also a place with direct sunlight, and prevent other animals from bothering it.

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