Tips For Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears

Tips for cleaning your dog's ears

This area is much more sensitive in dogs than in people, so special care must be taken to ensure they are in top condition; cleaning your dog’s ears is critical to preventing the development of infections.

Ears are one of the most sensitive areas dogs have. The power of its addition is evident when compared to the human one. Dogs’ ears are much more sensitive to sounds than ours, an average of four to five times more.

And like human ears, they tend to get dirty over time. Dogs’ ears have a very different structure from humans, so we’ll give you some tips for cleaning them.

a foolproof hearing

A dog’s ear can pick up sounds at frequencies that humans cannot  hear on their own, in other words, they hear sounds that humans cannot. Everything  is due to the unique structure that they have  and the disposition of the auditory cells, which are also larger.

Depending on the breed,  the ears may present a variation that can affect the  dog’s auditory performance : the pavilion may or may not be suspended, or it may be folded in half.

And how does this affect the structure in one way or another? Well, it affects how many sounds dogs can detect. A  cocker spaniel  with its drooping ears cannot hear in the same way as a husky, which has a stiff, pointed pinna.

Furthermore,  the position of these influences the diseases that the animal can develop in these areas. If we go back to the previous examples, the cocker is prone to becoming  deaf  during its old age, whereas a huskie will not show much variation over the years.

But all dog breeds have something in common,  they should have their ears cleaned and get medical attention from time to time to check their health status. For many beginners, cleaning your dog’s ears goes unnoticed, so we want to draw your friend’s attention to these areas.

How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

The  cleaning  of these areas dogs  must be done at least twice a week. The reason for this is to  prevent diseases  that can disturb our dog’s hearing and prevent the animal’s ear canal from being obstructed.

Doing this activity is very simple, requiring only, in most cases, hydrogen peroxide, a little cotton and a cloth to dry the area. It is recommended that the animal be used in advance if it is not used to being constantly handled against its will.

First of all  check the outside of your pet’s ears; if there is any residue of wax, dirt or any other foreign agent, it is advisable to remove them as soon as possible. If there are parasites  of any kind, it  is essential to go to the vet.

Next, we’ll check the state of  the inner ear area; this part has a soft pink color,  which indicates that it is healthy. We will continue to  clean the area very gently and gently  with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide or some pet saline.

Slowly and  very carefully, the elements outside  the ear structure  will be removed, preventing them from falling into the dog’s inner ear. Try to prevent the cotton from  dripping liquid into the ear, as this will cause discomfort to the animal.

When cleaning is complete,  wipe off any excess moisture  that may be left in the area  with another cotton or gauze. The same process should be repeated for each ear and, to help, a reward should be given to the dog for his good behavior during the procedure.

What happens if your dog’s ears are not cleaned regularly?

Dogs’ ears,  like those of humans,  secrete a natural fluid  that helps  prevent  disease. The problem is that  this agent  is often stagnant in the inner channel  and obstructs the passage of sound.

If the ear is affected by some disease, the dog can suffer a lot, because an  otitis or inflammation of the ears can be a big problem. In addition, cleaning must be done to prevent it from drying out with the same fluid and becoming an irritant.

Cleaning your dog’s ears is something he should be used to as a puppy, so train him for it. Remember that physical health is not just demonstrated in the quality of your pet’s coat and overall appearance; every area of ​​your body must be in the best condition.

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