The Veterinarian Cat That Takes Care Of Other Cats

The veterinarian cat that takes care of other cats

His name is Radames. He is a cat veterinarian who takes care of other animals, as if he were a great specialist.

Radamés lives in Poland and attracted attention for his solidary attitudes towards all his companions. This cat lives in an animal shelter and acts as an attentive nurse with all his sick companions.

The shelter’s caretakers claim that this protective zeal developed because of a long and complicated phase in which this veterinarian cat was on the verge of dying. His former owners delivered him to the shelter in poor health, with a serious respiratory tract infection.

So serious was his case that the veterinarians decided to separate him from the rest of the animals in the shelter so that his health condition would not be further complicated. However, Radamés’ interest in collaborating with professionals and taking care of the animals at the center is really surprising.

For example, Radames helps the many animals convalescing from some surgery. But how does the veterinarian cat do this? Warming them so they don’t get cold, staying next to them, massaging and cleaning them with your licks, or sleeping with them to keep them company.

Some people associate this cat with an example of an ancient legend, widespread among cat lovers, which says that these animals are capable of transmuting negative energy and scaring away malevolent spirits.

Animal solidarity with the veterinary cat

cat hugging another


The help that occurs between animals of various species is known : the wolves divide during the chase into two groups, one that chases the prey and the other that prevents it from escaping. This teamwork follows a planned coordination, but also an intention of mutual help.

Pelicans, when they fish in shallow waters, form a circle that gets closer and closer and, in this way, they take the fish to the center and then each pelican takes care of catching one of them.

Among different species, zebras and gazelles often team up with ostriches to search for food together. The compensation is clear, and the benefit is mutual. While the ostrich has an excellent view, the gazelle contributes its sense of smell and its ear.

When sparrows encounter a predator, they scream in order to make other birds hear the alarm. Others, instead of fleeing, go to the place where the warning came from, and the hunter finds himself surrounded by birds that betray his presence and abort his possibilities of hunting.

Attention to needy companions

Similar to the example we saw of the veterinarian cat Radames, elephants and monkeys often tend to their wounded companions. Many larger game hunters repeatedly observed how the elephants supported the companions they had taken under protection and how they tried to lift them up with their trunks. Monkeys, when they run away for some reason, take it upon themselves to pick up, whenever they can, their wounded companions.

the veterinarian cat


In the case of monkeys, mutual help is much greater . They take care of each other mutually, remove the thorns and the splinters that may have in their legs due to the bushes. In this sense, an experiment was carried out by introducing two chimpanzees, each one in a cage. Researchers fed only one. The one who did not eat began to beg, reaching out to ask his companion for food.

The chimpanzee that received food behaved very differently. He often shared his food with his cagemate; at other times he showed indifference and even felt threatened by the other chimpanzee.

But from the data collected, more than half of the times that the chimpanzee that did not receive food asked its companion, he got some food. Also, in many cases, the fed monkey gave part of its food to the other without the latter requesting it beforehand.

Dolphins usually live in large groups, and their facility for social relationships is known. When a dolphin is born, the other females surround the mother in order to protect her from shark attacks. The small offspring is quickly brought to the surface so that it can breathe.

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