The Utilities Of Scorpion Poison

These small animals are very much feared by human beings, as many of them have a poison that is dangerous to us.
The Uses of Scorpion Poison

Scorpion venom is feared by many cultures, as these arachnids have a venomous gland with a stinger on the tip that can do a lot of damage. However, it also has certain uses.

the scorpion venom

Scorpions are a group of arachnids characterized by having venom. However, although there are 1,800 species, only 25 are considered dangerous to humans as they contain a deadly poison for us.

At the tip of the tail of these animals is a venom gland. Thanks to the ability to arch the tail, these animals can use it as a weapon, through the stinger they have. The peptides this mixture contains are toxic, and there are up to 200 different toxins.

One of the myths about scorpion venom is that it would also affect these animals, in such a way that, as Lord Byron said in the 19th century, they could commit suicide.

However, it has been shown that they can withstand 100 times the dose that mammals need to be affected.

EscorpiĆ£o perigoso

different types of poison 

Like other venomous animals, scorpion venom can be of two types : the first are called neurotoxic and affect the ion channels of cells, which alters nerve impulses and neurotransmitters.

This causes severe pain and swelling, as well as salivation, anxiety, and irregular heartbeats. Later, the scorpion venom with neurotoxic substances affects the muscles, causing spasms and cardiorespiratory failure.

In the case of cytotoxic poisons, we are talking about very dangerous substances that necrotize the surrounding tissues, although they do not affect the circulation of transmitters.

A scorpion’s first attack is usually preventive and allows the animals to defend themselves, causing intense pain. The following stings are more toxic and allow the prey to be killed, although it is not known how scorpions make this switch.

Uses of scorpion venom

It has already been noted that scorpion venom may also have some use for the human species. The ability to block ion channels allows scorpion venom to have interesting properties for treating illnesses.

The Uses of Scorpion Poison

There are many applications that have been seen over the years; an example of this is emperor scorpion venom, which is being used to try to treat cardiac arrhythmias in humans.

Another striking example is the desert scorpion, which has a chlorotoxin that binds to tumor cell receptors. In its synthetic version, this toxin would make it possible to create treatments that act specifically against tumors, without affecting healthy cells.

Currently, a team from the Biomedical Research Institute in Barcelona has used this same desert scorpion toxin to overcome the blood-brain barrier.

The protection of the brain against certain substances makes it difficult to apply certain medications; however, modified chlorotoxin can overcome this barrier.

According to the researchers, more than 98% of drugs that would be useful for certain neurological diseases fail to cross this barrier, so the fact that this peptide can transport compounds across it is promising.

This same laboratory also used apamine, a poison found in insects such as bees, for the same purpose. According to those responsible, animal poisons could have many more applications in human health than we can imagine.

Perhaps this will help to clear the name of these animals that are so necessary for our ecosystems.

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