The Life Expectancy For Stray Dogs

Life Expectancy for Homeless Dogs

Animal abandonment continues to be a growing evil in many parts of the world. This problem causes more and more dogs to be on the streets. Is there life expectancy for stray dogs?

Not long ago, we talked about a commendable initiative that took place in the United States to save nearly two hundred dogs in Puerto Rico, one of the countries with the highest rate of pet abandonment in the world.

Thanks to volunteers like Wings Of Rescue members , these dogs can now have a new lease on life.

Today,  Puerto Rico is again the protagonist of this story. Although campaigns are already being created to try to make people aware of the need to control the birth rate of dogs and the importance of caring for the animals, there are still many animals abandoned on this island.

So the Monmouth Animal Protection Society reports that a project has been launched to do something about this problem. We’ll show you the details!

A new life expectancy for stray dogs

Thanks to The Humane Society and Wings of Hope , two non-profit organizations in the United States, 200 dogs were transferred  from Isla del Encanto to different parts of the country.

Seventy, in particular, arrived in the state of New Jersey. This project, called the Sato Project, brought new life expectancy to stray dogs in Puerto Rico.

Abandoned dog

According to Ross Licitra, of the aforementioned Society for Animal Protection:

“We are very happy to house the dogs rescued in Puerto Rico through the Sato Project . We’ve always had great success in dog adoption. We received great support from our communities. We believe that all animals deserve a second chance and we are proud to support animal rescue.”

It wasn’t just these 70 dogs that had a chance. 130 more animals were taken elsewhere.

However, let’s focus on Monmouth. Activists mobilized the  city ​​to donate lighting equipment  that facilitated the disembarkation of the dogs.

Another organization in the area, called Wegmans of Ocean, provided food for teams and animals. And, of course,  the Humane Society will support you with the cost of veterinary evaluations and  necessary testing. That way they make sure the animals are in good health.

There is great expectation that this new life expectancy for stray dogs in Puerto Rico will be a unique opportunity to direct them towards adoption.

Other initiatives against abandonment

This beautiful initiative reminded us of other similar actions that were taken to fight against the abandonment of animals. Let’s remember some of them.

There are many who fight independently. Perhaps the story of these people is not well known, but today we are going to take the opportunity to talk to you about some important initiatives:

stray dogs

  •  Documentary. The documentary ‘Perro, Too Human’  was a film made against abandonment in which the feelings of a dog when abandoned were expressed in a unique way.
  • Videos. Let’s remember a video about abandonment that thrilled the world. The movie where a man who would abandon his dog in the woods immediately after doing so had an accident and the dog saved his life. Ironies of life…
  • Clothes parade. A parade of dog clothes was held. The event was a kind of gala for charity. The profits obtained were donated to the creation of 5 feeding spaces for abandoned dogs.
  • Dog marathon. A marathon of dogs with their owners who donates the proceeds of the event to Perrotón, a non-profit association that fights against the mistreatment and abandonment of animals.

    Finally, we hope that initiatives like these continue to be initiated around the world. Only then will we be able, little by little, to offer new life expectancy to abandoned dogs. Be part of this movement for the good of the animals!

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