The Dangers Of Pulling Play

The dangers of pulling play

Rough pranks are often part of a dog’s fun. The way they explore the world and socialize with other animals and people is through games and games. It is completely normal, safe and healthy for your pet to be a little rough. However, if he tends to go too far, it can be dangerous.

Dogs should play softly and lovingly. However, play activities can take a dangerous turn  if the dog starts biting or playing in a way that hurts people or other animals.

Playing the pull game with your dog can be very enjoyable, but before starting this game, you should teach him some important lessons, such as learning to listen to you and listening to your directions when he is very excited.

Basic rules


Your dog cannot bite the toy until you give him permission to do so. He should be sitting or lying down waiting for you to invite him to play. To start the game, you can invite your dog to bite the toy using a special word or phrase. With it, your pet will get the action you’ve been waiting for.

Your dog should let go of the toy when you ask him to. Teach him to care about you and what you say. In this way, you will avoid setbacks and be able to decrease your level of arousal. At the same time , it will prevent your animal from being aggressive, making it respect the rules and enjoy the game without major inconveniences.

When playing pull games with your dog, you should do your best to discourage his aggressive behavior. To be able to do this when playing with him, always use some toys, never your body.

If you notice that the dog has changed its aggressive behavior, then stop it. Your dog doesn’t want to collaborate with you, maybe he’s still a puppy and his character is too dominant.

If that’s the case, urgently modify this behavior before it’s too late. To do this, you must teach him certain orders, through which both you and your pet can play and spend time pleasantly, without any kind of risk.

Pay close attention and remember: if you are playing as if it were a fight, you will certainly be reinforcing your dog’s aggressive behavior. To avoid this, you, as the owner of your pet, should always start playing. This point is basic. To start with, use a toy, maybe pick one of your favorites, and be clear with the orders you give. If you order him to release the toy, your dog must learn to obey you. If he does, you can reward him with a treat..

A very common mistake is chasing the dog to get the toy back. Do not do it. If you say he should let you go, he has to.

Playing tugging too often can make your pet feel a little stressed out, especially after a tricky date. One of the best things you can do is let your dog rest for a while, five or ten minutes. Then you should indicate that he sit or lie down on your bed so that he relaxes and relieves his tension.

Apply these techniques with your dog


For dogs, playing means exercising dominance over another dog, toy, or person. Neutering your dog can help reduce some of these urges, making him more docile and easier to handle. This might be something to consider if he tends to be overly aggressive towards people or other animals.

It is very important that you know your dog’s body language so that you can detect signs of aggression before they escalate. The situation can get out of hand if he starts showing his teeth.

Also pay close attention if he is in the presence of a smaller dog. When the two are playing, maybe the little dog could get hurt.

Your dog’s bite can change, and there’s no reason for him to be aggressive. With small toys, you can help him, and remember to teach him to bite moderately. He must also learn that you are the leader, and so he must obey you.

Keep in mind that a wrong bite can do great damage. That’s why the animal must understand the rules, know the limits and avoid any type of accident.

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