The 5 Least Intelligent Dog Breeds

The 5 least intelligent dog breeds

Dogs are beautiful creatures that brighten our lives with their love and tenderness. In addition to being the best company we could have, they are characterized by their loyalty, their ways of helping us to overcome emotional pain, their enormous intelligence and their capacity for learning.

However, there are some who do not have these last two virtues, which means a real problem for many of their owners, as they do not have enough patience, they get nervous at the contempt and lack of obedience that some of our little ones have. friends.

It is worth noting that when talking about intelligence in the canine world, we are referring to the ease with which the animal can be trained by man.

That’s why here we will leave a short list with the 5 less intelligent dog breeds.

Chow chow

Chow chow

Author: Valerie

These dogs originate from China. They are characterized by being very robust and have a dense and beautiful coat, in addition to having a strange dark blue tongue, which differentiates them from many others.

Chow-chow has a very self-centered behavior and tends to manifest an extremely mysterious personality. As indicated by many dog ​​trainers, this is a very difficult breed to train, as it takes a firm hand to make them comply with the owner’s orders.

In short, functional intelligence is not the strength of this breed.


It is undeniable that it is a charming and beautiful dog, whose best feature is the absolute fidelity with which it offers its owner. These beautiful friends of ours are the opposite of what they seem, is that although they may seem rude and serious, they are the real tenderness.

The problem with these little sentries is in their difficulty to understand us and in their indiscipline, as they are extremely dependent and slow, it is very difficult for them to obey the orders of their owners.

Whoever is dedicated to training and educating dogs, says that if you want to achieve good results with your Bulldog, it takes time and a lot of patience.


Also originally from China, this little fellow is well known for his fur and bulging eyes. The greatest virtue of the breed is the bravery that characterizes it, since this breed is not intimidated by others that have a larger size.

The real drawback of these small dogs is not only the problems they suffer from their nose, but also their dominant and independent personality, which leads them to make their own decisions.

Even so, the Pekinese are known for being a lover of comfort, so it is almost impossible for them to comply with an order that requires a lot of movement.



Despite being very beautiful, these dogs are, for many people, a nuisance and also difficult to be trained, especially when puppies. At this stage they are extremely restless and have a habit of biting.

This dog, instead of barking, emits a strange singing sound, which just means that nothing can be expected to be very normal with this eccentric companion.

And no, these dogs don’t enjoy considerable intelligence either, as they are ones who are simply focused on something else while you try to teach them something.

One of the least intelligent dogs: the Afghan Hound

These dogs are simply not smart. If this is not taken into account, you will find that they have a number of virtues that make them very special, but which, however, also pose a problem if you want to have them as pets.

Is that although they have one of the most beautiful coats in the canine world, it requires constant care if you want the dog to always remain clean and healthy.

Even so, getting them to comply with an order is an almost impossible job even for specialists, as it takes infinite repetitions for them to understand a single word.

Do not forget!

Dogs are wonderful and spectacular animals that will improve your life with their presence and tenderness, so it will always be a privilege to have them around.

Although there are some races less intelligent than others, each of them is worthy of being loved and cared for.

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