Stepan, The Bear Who Became The Pet Of A Russian Couple

Stepan, the bear who became the pet of a Russian couple

For all rules there are always exceptions. As strange as the news of a bear that has been living as a pet for 23 years with a couple in Russia seems strange to us, this is not the only case in which these plantigrades have adapted to living with humans. Animals provide us with far more surprises than we can even imagine, as is the idea that beings born in the wild can be domesticated overnight.

Bears and people, a relationship not always happy

The truth is that the relationship between humans and bears has never been very friendly. If men aren’t hunting them to get some kind of trophy, they show them off in a zoo or a circus, where they make them play funny, yes, there are still circuses that take advantage of animals to set up their shows. And on top of that, bears look like the bad guys in history when they kill someone if they cross into their territory and feel threatened.

However, this is not the case with Stepan, our bear in question. This pet, despite being over 2 meters tall and weighing 135 kilos, is like a playful and spoiled puppy that has lived with Svetlana and Yuriy Panteleenko for 23 years.

This brown bear was three months old when the couple took care of him after finding him alone in the woods and in poor condition, apparently after being orphaned.

Learn about the story of Stepan, the bear turned pet

The Panteleenkos became so fond of the cub that when he recovered, they could no longer part with him to try to get him back to his wild life.

It is not the idea of ​​this article to judge whether these people’s decision was correct. In any case, the objective is to tell about the life of the Stepan bear living with humans.

Anyway, as much as this story is one of a “happy living together” of 23 years, don’t try to imitate this Russian couple. Although there have always been cases of humans who decided to have exotic animals as pets, we must not forget that we have to respect the wild nature of these creatures.

How Stepan Spends His Days

Stepan is sweetness personified, looking like a giant teddy bear who loves to play and spend time with his human family. He is happy when they caressed him, shares the sofa with the Panteleenkos when watching television, and sits at the table with them to receive their food.

The animal ingests 25 kilos of food a day, including fish, eggs and vegetables. But their owners say their favorite foods are oats and condensed milk.

According to the Panteleenkos’ account, as much as Stepan’s imposing image may intimidate other people, he is a very calm and docile animal, who has never shown himself aggressive or bit anyone.

That the exception does not become the rule

The difference between grizzly bears in the wild, not very affectionate to contact with humans, and this bear that became a pet and lives with humans in Russia, is truly gigantic.

And if you watch the video we left you here, there seems to be no doubt that Stepan is just another member of the Panteleenko family.

What would have been its fate if the family had returned it to its natural habitat is a question that no longer makes much sense to ask. However, the ideal is that people do not fall into the temptation of wanting to domesticate animals that were not born to share a home with humans.

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