Sleeping With The Pet: Pros And Cons

Sleeping with your pet: yes or no? This has always been a debate between those who love animals, and even between those who aren’t a big fan. This has become such an important issue that even research has emerged to form a statistic.

It is said that 14% of Spanish dogs sleep with their owners, as do 33% of cats. In the United States, the numbers are even higher, as 56% sleep in the bedroom and 50% on the bed of their owners.

While this is a personal decision that only you can and should make, we want to show you the pros and cons of sleeping with your pet.

Sleeping with your pet: yes or no? pros

Strengthens the bond with the animal

Sleeping with your pet will strengthen your relationship with your pet, especially if we spend a lot of time away from home. The animal may miss us a lot and see nights as a way to spend time together. It will be something special that you both will enjoy.

Helps improve sleep

There are those who sleep hugging a pillow to sleep better, but what’s better than hugging your pet? Sleeping with someone in your arms is the best way to improve sleep and rest more relaxed.

man sleeping with his dog

improves blood pressure

They say love heals everything, and that makes a lot of sense. Exchanging affection gives us pleasant sensations that help us feel good. This, in turn, lowers blood pressure and helps your blood work well, as well as preventing heart disease.

gives security

Knowing that someone is nearby always makes you feel more secure. Sleeping with the pet makes us feel that way. It has even been shown that children were able to fight their nightmares by sleeping with their pet. And that’s with the animal sleeping only inside the room, even not on the bed.

Sleeping with your pet: yes or no? cons


It is worth saying that sleeping with your pet is not a good thing if your pet is sick, has urinary incontinence, or if you are not well educated and take care of your needs in the room. If you decide to invite your pet into the bedroom, make sure it does what it has to do before bed.


Sleeping with the pet exposes us to contracting parasitic diseases. You must take into account the deworming of the animal as recommended by your veterinarian, and you must not let it sleep with you until it is fully compliant with the rules.

will bring sleep disorders

It’s not like sleeping alone or together. Your pet may bark, growl or even snore. This can wake you up and make your sleep less deep and relaxing. Not to mention that when you move, your subconscious will remind you that the animal is there and that you can hurt it. He may also move and wake you up or even want to knock you out of bed.


Unintentionally, when sleeping with your pet, it may scratch, especially if you are having nightmares. If you decide your friend is going to sleep with you, cut his nails first.

Sleeping with the pet: yes? Some advices

Follow this advice if you decide to sleep with your pet.

cat on the bed

  1. You make the rules:  Set aside your sleeping space comfortably and don’t let your pet invade you;
  2. Do not accept territorial aggression:  If when you move he growls or bites, get him out of bed. He must know that you are the boss;
  3. Leave it on top of the blanket.

This advice will be very helpful if you decide to sleep with your pet. To find out if you should do this, review the pros and cons we’ve mentioned and make your own decision, but keep in mind that once you’ve made it, you can’t go back.

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