See What Life Is Like For Wheelchair Dogs

See what life is like for dogs in wheelchairs

In the past, the solution for incapacitated dogs was sacrifice. Fortunately, nowadays , these animals can have a good quality of life, thanks to pet wheelchairs. Are there limitations? Of course yes, but just look at different videos we found on the internet to see how these happy animals lead an almost normal life. They can play, run, go up and down stairs, etc…

There are a wide variety of wheelchair models on the market  for those dogs who, unfortunately, have been physically disabled.

Advances in this area have been enormous and the care provided to pets is increasingly specialized, improving their quality of life.

Currently, despite the high level of development of veterinary science, on certain occasions, this medical care is not enough.  When a dog is prostrate, with its hind legs paralyzed, it cannot move, and the veterinarian can do little to restore mobility.

Causes of loss of mobility in dogs

This loss of mobility is normal after some surgical intervention, fractures, accidents, etc.

This loss of mobility can also happen due to some diseases or degenerative processes.  This is the case of severe canine arthrosis, dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, hernias, paralysis, etc…

Permanent paralysis in the front or hind legs is often a major cause of loss of mobility. Amputations or birth defects in extremities, which prevent animals from moving, are also problematic.

The so-called “reduced mobility” can be generated by neurological problems, spine, herniated discs or any type of trauma. This limited mobility usually presents itself in cases of advanced age or obesity, when the animal cannot support itself with any of its extremities.

Different models of wheelchairs for dogs

We can find a variety of wheelchairs for our pet to help overcome his disability. We will be able to choose “branded” chairs. They are manufactured following a standardized industrial process. There are  also  models that can be handcrafted. Another option would be the wheelchairs for dogs that we dare to build with our own hands.

A very interesting novelty in dog wheelchairs are the 3D models, built from the animal’s measurements. For more information, we can see articles and instructions for making state-of-the-art models on various websites.

The models that exist on the market take into account different characteristics:

  • Wheelchairs for Former Members:  These models are difficult to manufacture and we won’t see much variety on the market.
  • Chairs for hind limbs:  more common, among other things, because the number of cases of animals with this deficiency is high.
    • Integral chairs:  for cases with low mobility.
    • Rehabilitation wheelchairs:  there are few models available.

    Aspects to take into account when purchasing chairs for dogs

    The first factor to consider is  analyzing your pet’s measurements. A mistake here can be a disaster in the entire process, because the animal could not walk. It’s about making life easier for our friend.

    Once we have the exact measurements, if we have decided to order a wheelchair for dogs, we will facilitate the work of the company or the craftsman in charge.

    We also have the option of special models that adapt to any size. These wheelchairs for dogs can be delivered overnight. They have a design that allows the dog to adapt as it progresses with its use. This type of model is  ideal for small dogs, as we can adapt it according to the growth of our dog. In some cases, they are collapsible, allowing us to save space and increase comfort.

    There are wheelchairs for dogs  developed for small breeds, with very light materials.

    Build Chairs for Dogs at Home


    There are  many materials that can be useful  for the construction of wheelchairs for dogs: steel, acrylic, aluminum, PVC tubes, etc… Along with the structure, it is important to select the type of wheels that will be used on the chair. We will do this depending on the area where the animal will walk.

    If our dog lives in an urban area, the wheels should be small so as not to take up too much space and allow maneuvering. However, if we live in the country or in a condominium with gardens, dirt, grass, a big, strong and resistant wheel will be much better.

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