Our Favorite Homemade Flea Anti-fleas

Our Favorite Homemade Flea

Fleas are a common affliction that affects all pets. They are a nuisance for them and for us, because they can stay in the house for a while and “attack” us too. To prevent this from happening, let’s go to a list of our favorite fleas. Take paper, pencil and write down the ones you like best.

The best flea for pets

On the market, there are a wide variety of brands and products that cater for this. However, we decided to talk about home remedies, with things that we always have at home and that, in addition, will not harm your pet, because they have no chemicals.

dog scratching


They say vinegar goes for everything. The truth is, the more we know about him, the more we realize that this is totally true. So let’s see what uses vinegar has for our animal.

Using vinegar (it’s better if it’s apple, so it doesn’t stain the fur) in the bath will be an amazing flea-flight. To do this, wash the animal with normal shampoo and then pass a glass of vinegar on the fur without it falling into the animal’s eyes or snout.

Let the vinegar work for about five minutes to reach as many fleas as possible, then rinse with water. Comb the fur with a fine comb, similar to the one used for lice in children, and dry the animal. Do this every bath, and soon you’ll see that your pet will be fleas free.


Just combing the dog every day with a fine-tooth comb can eliminate fleas from the pet’s fur. In addition, this will also drag flea eggs, to prevent other flea from remaining on your furry friend.

If before combing you put some vinegar on the animal’s fur, you will see that the fleas move more slowly, and you can use the comb to catch them. Even doing this dry, you will get results.


Fleas hate the smell of lemon, and that makes it one of the best homemade flea control products we know. To use, you just need to put a liter of water to a boil and place a sliced ​​lemon inside.

Afterwards, remove the container from the heat and let it stand overnight. The next day, put the liquid in a sprayer and apply the mixture over the animal’s fur and skin, to prevent it from getting into the eyes and muzzle.

Keep an eye on the pet, because your skin may not tolerate lemon. This can happen in some cases, and if your pet suffers from it, do not use the medicine anymore. If not, do this twice a week and use the rest of the mixture to clean the house.

owner combing her dog


This plant is well known for its antiparasitic and pest properties, so it is an ideal flea control for our animals. There are two ways to use it: one is by planting absinthe in your backyard or garden, or by putting some seedlings at the entrance to the wing.

Another way is to make small bags of dry absinthe and distribute them throughout the house, especially in places where there may be more fleas, such as where your pet sleeps.

cedar shavings

With cedar, it’s the same with fleas as with lemon: they hate the smell. So, one of the ways to keep these parasites away from your pet and your home is to spread cedar shavings around the house, on the couch and on your dog’s bed.

Under furniture and on corners are strategic points that will work very well. So they aren’t littered around the house and look dirty, you can put them in small breathable bags.

That was our list of anti-flea home remedies, with simple, easy-to-get things that have already been proven. Choose the one that you find most simple and useful and win the battle against the annoying fleas.

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