My Dog ​​bites Everything, How Can I Solve It?

It’s normal for puppies to bite things because they want to see the world around them. They also bite to relieve the pressure caused by teething.

We all love dogs when they are well-bred and calm in their environment. But we also want them to know how to control their impulses to get our attention; although this does not always happen. There are occasions – very recurrent, in fact – when the dog bites everything.

There are many reasons for this to happen, which we’ll talk about today. If you think the solutions are too strict, don’t worry; this is just a simple behavior problem.

Why does your dog bite everything?

This is a common problem  in small puppies three months or older. At this stage it is natural and common; because it’s their way of  seeing the world around them. But not only that; the animal at the same time bites to relieve the pressure of the birth of the teeth.

In this way, the dog also learns. A dog may or may not know what his tricks and practices will be; for he knows his environment and develops in it. In addition,  a dog’s mouth represents the touch sensation of humans; so biting is completely normal.

It is true that a small dog bites very often; but what about the big dogs? In theory,  these animals should already know more deeply about their surroundings;  so why does this one bite everything? There are many reasons for this to happen.

Your dog bites everything out of attention or boredom, how to identify

Dogs  are very sociable animals and they like to be accompanied and have fun. One problem in our society is that  we cannot supply these needs all the time. So to pass the time; they usually bite whatever they can find so we can pay attention to them.

There are  two very specific cases in which this activity takes place: the first case is when  we arrived at our house and the animal caused disaster. The other case is similar:  we arrive at our house  and our dog welcomes us  and immediately bites everything.

Identify when it comes to anxiety and attention, in these cases it is very simple. In the  first one clearly notices that it is something provoked by separation anxiety ; while in the  second it is to get our attention. Treating both cases is not difficult at all; so both can be resolved very quickly.

treat the incessant bites

First of all,  you have to know very well that punishing these animals does not bring any solution. We would only make the situation worse;  because the dog would continue to repeat the behavior with revenge. Positive reinforcements are our best allies  in dealing with these issues.

Now that we’ve cleared up this detail, it’s time to think about it: do  you spend a lot of time away from home? Separation anxiety is common  when dogs are left at home too long with nothing to entertain them; so biting everything is the most common way to pass the time they encounter.

In more severe cases, he  might even start biting his own limbs; which leads to self-mutilation. But if you deal with the issue in time, this extreme situation will not occur.

Some tips

  • Consider leaving lots of different kinds of toys  for your pet to play with while you’re gone. If your dog has a tendency to bite everything and toys are not in your budget; you can make some of them  using  traditional  materials with disposable materials.
  • Leave the radio on or load a CD. This  will simulate the presence of a human being  in the space around you and will calm you down a bit.
  • If you can,  consider adopting another pet and bringing it into your home. Another dog, or even a cat,  are fantastic choices for your furry one to be distracted for hours.

While we’re talking about anxiety, dealing with these cases is pretty simple, but when it comes to attention, things change a little bit. You have to apply fixes a little more directly; but never as a punishment.

  • You must teach him to respect : if the dog bites everything, he doesn’t know certain limits; then you will have to  teach him what to do and what not to do from a very early age. In this way, we prevent the animal from developing this behavior beyond the allowed age.
  • If biting is absolutely necessary,  look for objects for him to bite.  Don’t let him bite into shoes or clothes you don’t wear; for this will make him think he can do the same with similar objects.
  • Fix it before it starts biting. Raising your voice a little is already a call to attention; if touching it is absolutely necessary,  a light touch to the nose is often a good trick.

As we’ve seen, getting your dog to stop biting is easier than you thought. It just takes a little patience and a little willingness to teach it.

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