More Reports Of Dog Poisoning

More reports of dog poisoning

It seems that the poisoning of dogs is unfortunately all the rage. In fact, there are already many countries that have received complaints in this regard. Poisoning has led many dogs to death. And this subject is no joke.

How do you become aware of dog poisoning

We don’t know how this deadly “fashion” started. Apparently, the most common is to put food, which attracts the dogs’ attention, poisoned.

There are known cases in several countries of sausages or pieces of meat that have been placed in parks and other public areas. The only purpose of this is to end the lives of many pets.

Many think that poisoners get tired of having their corners reeking of urine, or that owners don’t collect the feces of their animals. There is no excuse for taking an animal’s life in such a cruel way.

 More and more complaints

Since the first news about dog poisoning came out, a wave of such cases seemed to start all over the world, until this became what might be called the fashion.

Labrador dog in the park

Mexico, Chile, Spain, Argentina, Brazil and many countries have hundreds of complaints for attempted poisoning. Many owners have taken their pets for a walk with their muzzles on, hoping they won’t eat anything off the ground.

Is it necessary to get to that point? The truth is, no. We want this evil to end, we don’t want to hear about more animal deaths from poisoning. How to end it? It seems that even the authorities don’t know how to answer that question.

What to do in case of dog poisoning

In case our dog is poisoned, or there is an attempt, against our animal or another, there are several steps to be followed to, thus, do our part against this evil.

get evidence

The first thing to do is to be on the lookout and see if there is someone strange putting food in different corners of the place. If you see something like this, take photos and pick up some of the food.

Then go to a police station, file a report and present the evidence collected. It doesn’t matter if there were victims or not, it’s usually always the same person who goes to the same place. Your job will be to find out who she is.

What to do if your dog has been poisoned

It’s very easy for a dog to get poisoned. That’s because they swallow anything they find on the ground as they walk around.

There are poisons that can kill our pet with a small amount, so we need to be very careful.

Symptoms are many and varied, such as vomiting, stiffness, seizures, dizziness or disorientation, among others. It all depends on the dog and the amount of poison ingested.

If you believe your dog has been poisoned, keep a show, not only for the police, but also for the veterinarian. Take it as soon as possible, along with the sample, so it can determine what poison was ingested and how to treat it.

How to prevent dog poisoning

With just four simple steps:

cocker spaniel

Do not allow the animal to eat food on the street. If you are small and have not yet been educated, be very attentive to him, or put on a small muzzle that prevents him from ingesting anything from the floor.

Teach him to accept only what you give.

If you get a threat from a neighbor or suspect someone, go to the police with evidence.

On suspicion of poisoning, go to the vet.

If we all do our part, we can stop the poisoning of dogs. Remember, even if there’s no reason, it happens, and if we do our part to keep an eye on these people and pick up suspicious food, we can remain calm.

Main image source: Yukiko Matsuoka

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