Mexico City Wants To Create An Animal Care Institute

Mexico City wants to create an Animal Care Institute

In the Legislative Assembly of Mexico City, the initiative to create an Institute for Animal Care was presented. Driven by deputies from the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), the creation of the institute aims to make that from this, comprehensive strategies to guarantee the rights of animals be developed.

Main objectives of the Animal Care Institute

Among the actions that this institution would carry out, focused on combating mistreatment in its various forms, the carrying out of a census to draw up a register of companion animals that live in Mexico City stands out.

In addition, the Animal Care Institute will:

stray dog

  • Update current rules on the matter;
  • Protect animals that are in a situation of abandonment;
  • Generate vaccination and sterilization campaigns;
  • Carry out checks on stores that sell pets;
  • Contribute to creating a collective awareness of the care that animals deserve;
  • Foster a culture of responsibility in owners;
  • To train public servants and citizens regarding the correct care and protection of animals.

A project designed together to protect pets

Deputy VĂ­ctor Hugo Romo Guerra, creator of the idea, said that the institute will be the only one in all of Latin America that will have an integral policy towards animals. For this reason, experts on the subject were also invited to develop the proposal together, in the short and medium term.

The project was developed with organizations that defend the rights of animals such as:

  • Animal Press (Animal Press);
  • Grande Simio Project (Proyecto Gran Simio);
  • Pro-dog (Properro);
  • Citizen Front for Animal Law.

In addition, it worked with several departments -Environment, Health, Public Security- and with the Environmental and Territorial Planning Attorney (PAOT).

Also, the presentation at the Assembly was accompanied by activists who agreed to support the initiative with more than ten dogs, which will be the main beneficiaries if the creation of the institute is approved.

Against violence and exploitation of animals

The initiative’s promoters want to emphasize that pets have the right to a dignified life and hope that, with the creation of the Animal Care Institute, the violence often suffered by domestic animals can begin to be reversed. Also with those who, for example, are used for lucrative activities, such as dog fighting.

For this reason, it is also thought to  create tools that allow citizens to denounce different acts of mistreatment that these innocent beings suffer.

Mexico is part of a particularly perverse group, one of the places where animals are most abused. This podium is divided, if we stay only in the West, with countries like Greece, Spain and Venezuela.

As activists explain, pets that inhabit Mexican soil are abused in a variety of ways. Between them:

  • Beating;
  • Abandonment;
  • Poor diet and other negligence in daily care.

For this reason, in order to obtain a cultural change in this matter, education about what concerns these beings, must start to be done from the youngest age.

for a better future

dogs in park

Author: Juanedc

The project for the creation of the Animal Care Institute has great chances of being approved during the current legislative period and will have an initial budget of 10 million Mexican pesos (something around 2 million reais).

If the organization is put into operation, Mexico City will have more good news – after the recent inauguration of a Public Veterinary Hospital –  for those beings who have neither voice nor vote, but who deserve to be treated well and also to have their rights respected.

It would be commendable that initiatives such as this were extended to other places where animals suffer mistreatment due to various human actions, whether these are conscious or unconscious.

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