Marine Reserves And Protected Areas Of Spain

The conservation of marine ecosystems is extremely important to the fishing industry. And for that, marine reserves are created.
Marine Reserves and Protected Areas of Spain

Marine reserves were created to carry out the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources. These areas must meet certain characteristics that allow the reproduction of species of fishing interest and the survival of their juvenile forms.

How do marine reserves work?

The positive effect of a marine reserve is manifested by the significant recovery of the fishing areas in which it is located. Thus, the regeneration of fishery resources is achieved, protecting their reproduction and dispersion.

Purpose of marine reserves

They are created for the protection, regeneration and development of resources of interest to fisheries. In this way, artisanal fisheries in the region are maintained, preserving the traditional way of life.

Marine Reserves in Spain

Currently, in Spain, there are 11 marine reserves.

Cabo de Gata

It is located in the province of Almeria, in the foothills of the Sierra de Cabo de Gata. It extends off the coast, occupying an area of ​​4,613 hectares. It also includes the protected waters of the Cabo de Gata Natural Park, Níjar.

Como funcionam as reservas marinhas?

Hormigas Islands

It has 1,931 hectares that extend to Cabo de Palos, on the coast of Murcia. The rocky and sandy bottoms and the prairies of Posidonia oceanica alternate .

Cape Tinoso

Located in the region of Murcia, it is located south of Cartagena and has an area of ​​1,173.79 hectares. The environment of Cabo Tiñoso offers great ecological potential for having marine meadows, submerged caves or artificial reefs.

Cape Tinoso

Cala Ratjada

It is located north of the Levante coast, on the island of Majorca, and in the region’s outer waters.

Alboran Island

It is located in the southern Mediterranean of Almeria, occupying an area of ​​1,650 hectares around the island of Alborão. The bottom is varied and abrupt, and from 60 meters deep there are forests of brown laminar algae .

Columbretes Islands Marine Reserves

Located about 30 nautical miles from Grao de Castellón, it is made up of four groups of islets and some reefs and lows. The marine reserve has an area of ​​5,543 hectares.

Columbretes Islands Marine Reserves

graceful island

This marine reserve extends to the Atlantic, covering the north of the island of Lanzarote, La Graciosa and other islets. With this reserve, the protection that already exists on earth – Natural Park of the Chinijo Archipelago – is extended to the marine environment.

Tabarca Island

Located opposite the port of Santa Pola in Alicante. In total, it has an area of ​​1,754 hectares.

Marine Reserves of the Island of La Palma

This marine reserve is 1,000 meters deep and extends over 3,455 hectares on the southwest coast of the island of La Palma. The authorities considered the area suitable due to its biodiversity, the state of stocks of interest to fishing and the possibility of recovering them.

sea ​​of ​​calms

This reserve is located in the Atlantic, on the southwestern tip of the island of El Hierro. It reaches great depths of over 300 meters, as the island is of volcanic origin. It has an area of ​​750 hectares.

Masia Blanca

This is a small marine reserve of 457 hectares, located on the Mediterranean coast, about 30 kilometers north of Tarragona.  This reserve protects rocky bars of high biodiversity and areas of fingerlings.

The Marine Protected Areas Network of Spain (RAMPE)

The Marine Protected Areas Network of Spain (RAMPE)

In relation to the general objectives of RAMPE, they are as follows:

  • Ensure the conservation and recovery of natural heritage and marine biodiversity.
  • Protect and conserve areas that best represent species, habitat and ecological processes in the seas.
  • Promote the conservation of ecological corridors and the management of essential elements in water.

    Marine reserves as part of RAMPE

    Pursuant to Law 41/2010 for the Protection of the Marine Environment, all protected areas located in waters under Spanish sovereignty will be integrated into RAMPE.

    That includes:

    • The Natura 2000 Network.
    • Other protected natural spaces.
    • Areas protected by international instruments.
    • And finally, marine reserves.

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