Learn How Dogs Improve Baby’s Health

Learn how dogs improve baby's health

Some couples with pets are unsure of what to do with the dog when the woman becomes pregnant. The truth is, it  ‘s just a myth to think that a baby can’t be born in a home where there are animals. Contrary to popular belief, dogs improve the baby’s health.

Would you like to know how? In My Pets we’ll tell you, because not only do we care about pets, but also you and your family.

How Do Dogs Improve Baby’s Health?

little baby and dog

Sometimes we make the mistake of wanting to protect our baby from everything,  including the noises of the night, so as not to wake him up. But the truth is that doing this only leads to further weakness in your health and the baby’s psychomotor system, making him fearful and little resistant to disease.

New studies have concluded that dogs improve baby’s health in different ways.

Studies in Finland

Researchers in Finland performed some tests with 397 babies, half of which lived with dogs at home and the other half did not. Well, those who lived with dogs, all, in their first year of life, had fewer colds, ear infections, took less medication and coughed and sneezed less than those who didn’t live with dogs.

Why? Very easy. Dogs have contact with the outside and unconsciously bring home microorganisms and small bacteria. Stay calm! It may sound risky, but it isn’t. The fact that our dog brings small bacteria home strengthens the baby’s immune system  and makes it less prone to disease. 

However,  a baby who lives in a “bubble of love” and who is not exposed to anything, when the smallest microorganism appears around, the baby will contract the disease  quickly and intensely.

Pediatrics journal studies

This journal owned by the American Pediatric Association and did some studies that matched the results of researchers from Finland.

But added to that, they  recognized that having dogs at home allows babies to have fewer respiratory problems  or may even prevent asthma.

The conclusion is for the same reasons. A baby must live in the real world, exposed to what is in the environment so that his body knows how to fight it when it is harmful.

In these studies, the percentages were high. In the  case of babies who lived with dogs, they had 44% less chance of contracting diseases. 

Well, who knows if you don’t have a dog and after knowing that you would like to have one. How to choose?

Which dog to choose if you have a baby

Obviously, it goes without saying that it is necessary to radicalize the precautions so that the dog is clean and does not lick the baby or that the baby does not put his hand in the dog’s mouth. But know  for sure that dogs improve your baby’s health, and if you choose one, it will make your baby a healthier child.

It has been proven that  the best dogs to accompany babies are large dogs, which will perform the functions of excellent caretakers, horses or even pillows.

Even though they appear to be a more aggressive breed,  dogs have a special sense and love for babies and will be their protectors to the end, no matter what. No matter what your baby does, a dog will never be able to get angry with a child and his patience will reach unforeseen limits, maybe even for you.

big dogs

If your space at home allows you to have a large dog, we recommend:

  • Great Dane;
  • Golden retriever;
  • Collie;
  • Spanish Mastiff;
  • St Bernard.

Medium or small dogs

dog licking baby

Now if you live in a small apartment or if your savings do not allow for the appetite of an animal of this size, these small or medium size dogs are great for being with children and they are also dogs that improve the baby’s health:

  • Pug;
  • Boxer;
  • Beagle;
  • French Bulldog.

Obviously, all dogs improve the baby’s health, so whichever dog you choose will be a good choice. In addition, we are sure that you will have lots of fun times with your dog and baby. Enjoy these moments!

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