Know What A Dog Feels When Owners Leave The House

Know what a dog feels when owners leave the house

Have you ever wondered what happens and with your dog when he is alone at home ? if you don’t have an answer to this question it’s because when you come back, surely everything is as you left it . In this case, it is more likely that O your pet have been quiet, sleeping or entertained with their toys.

However, other people get a quick and direct answer ok and think soon  in the   various destructions  From furniture, papers, clothes, etc.  Including with urine and feces found in s place is most unlikely and usually the neighbors comment what O  dog had a good time barking.

Of course, these animals are suffering in separation anxiety , a disorder that affects 18% of dogs.

Evidence of what  a dog  feel when the owners leave the house

bulldog at home

In an article published in Journal of Veterinary Behavior,  was released  the work of a group of scientists who recorded images in 30 dogs of different ages while they were alone for approximately 90 minutes.

So they found that animals that had no symptoms previous of separation anxiety showed a passive behavior , of rest or sleep most of the time.

Other behaviors less common were the jokes and attention to the surrounding environment – and to a much lesser degree – occurred moans, howls or barks .

On the other hand , a study by experts at the University of Bristol, England, showed that 85% of the animals that were left alone in the houses experienced some disturbance. In since separation anxiety to you  an increase in blood cortisol, a hormone of stress .

In recent months, became popular a video posted on YouTube on end of last year and who already registered more than 17 million hits. The video shows the  anguish suffered by a dog when he was left alone in the house.

the animal howls devastatingly to look at through the window while the owner walked away, he  ends up going to bed of the owner , without stopping crying, looking for the scent of your creator, for get a little calm.

The images were obtained through a camera placed on the dog’s collar. , as  O  owner I wanted to know what happened from wrong with your pet when stayed by myself . When viewing the recording, the dog’s owner said it looked like the saddest thing that he had already seen in your life . He added: “I can’t leave him alone again.”

The truth is the pace of modern life makes us spend more and more time away from home for various reasons, having to leave,  inevitably,  our pets alone . It is at this stage that  some of them begin to suffer from separation anxiety.

AND  we can’t mos imprisoning ourselves with the pets by guilt that we feel, neither is a valid option abandon him or deliver it to a shelter , as it happens in some cases, before the damage s that they provoke in our house.

Tips for leaving your dog alone

dog at home

If your pet he does part of the group that doesn’t supports being alone, see your veterinarian urgently. It will tell you which steps you  he must follow and, if necessary, will prescribe some kind of medication.

the important thing, in whole case, it will be to start  The find a way for your partner to suffer less. For this, it is important to adopt measures such as:

  • Change your daily routine to not associate air certain actions with your output;
  • Take your pet for a walk so it can relax and get tired during the day;
  • Provide games to distract him;
  • put one song soft so that he feels accompanied;
  • Though it may seem insensitive, ignore your dog when you leave and when you arrive r at home ; only so you will decrease the animal’s anxiety and excitement;
  • Pet and caress only when he calms down.

Light in count what,  teach a dog to stay alone at home, it’s a process that takes time and perseverance. You must have a lot patience and tolerance, ignoring your mistakes and rewarded with caresses and rewards every progress made towards that goal.

So, you can certainly leave the house without worrying about the anxiety this will cause your pet. 

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