Kiwoko’s Solidarity Campaign

Thanks to this company and the sale of its deworming products, many abandoned animals were taken care of and gained a new home.
Kiwoko's solidarity campaign

Kiwoko is a chain of pet stores that has become the market leader in Spain thanks to its large facilities and its good quality products at good prices. But it’s not just a store. There, they encourage adoption and campaigns for the good of animals, like the one we’re going to talk about today.

Kiwoko’s latest solidarity campaign

Kiwoko is always concerned about the well-being of pets, and this is the main reason why they strive every day to organize events and campaigns that help them. Kiwoko’s last solidarity campaign was, without a doubt, the best of all.

The campaign proposes to deworm a homeless animal for every deworming product sold in its stores.

Taking into account the infrastructure of the brand, which already has 105 stores in Spain, the campaign was a more than considerable success.

This is not a new campaign, as it was also carried out last year. But the brand wants to break records thanks to the opening of new stores. This also tested the solidarity of the customers, who did not disappoint.

Many of them decided to buy more deworming products than they needed to help the homeless animals.

What was the result? More than 10,000 animals were helped. Their health improved and they were put up for adoption to gain a new home.

dog abandonment causes

How the campaign was carried out

How was this work done? It certainly wouldn’t be easy to do it alone, but Kiwoko had the help of local NGOs and other very famous associations, which are dedicated to caring for and protecting animals.

Some of them are the 4-legged Héroes, Rare Animals, SoS Mascotas Madrid, Abrazo Animal, Valverde Animal, Rodamon, Sos Peludos España and Modepran.

All these associations contributed their little grain of sand in the search for homeless animals, which were later taken in to win the “gift” of Kiwoko. Thus, they were able to seek a new home.

One of the Bichos Raros volunteers explained her thanks:

Without a doubt, what this pet products company has achieved is a success. We hope that this campaign will continue for many more years. Just imagine where it can go!

mutt dog

What has been achieved with Kiwoko’s solidarity campaign

  • Keep animals healthy. Parasites are the worst enemies of animals, as they not only cause wounds, but also cause diseases from which they can even die.
  • Stop abandonment. Being able to leave homeless animals in good health makes it easier for them to find a family.
  • Make others aware. The importance that companies of Kiwoko’s caliber place on deworming and caring for pets makes many people aware of the benefits of these actions. Therefore, we hope that many brands will follow Kiwoko’s example and take initiatives like this.

If you have a pet, don’t end your deworming schedule. Remember that it is your responsibility to keep your pet healthy and well cared for.

This will make him have a longer life, protecting everyone around him, providing good relationships and, in addition, complying with the law. There are many advantages doing very little…

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