Jude The Pitbull Rescued After Being Forced Into Fights For Years

Jude the Pitbull rescued after being forced into fights for years

I always say that I love telling stories with a happy ending. Although there were, on the path to this happiness, not so pleasant things, I always believed that what is important is where you arrive, not how you arrive. Meet Jude, the Pitbull who has a very unique history.

Our friend who will illustrate today’s story is Jude, the Pitbull who had a path full of rocks and very difficult, before he could find his happiness. Want to know your story?

dog fights

dogs fighting

It is common knowledge that dogfights unfortunately continue to occur in many countries. And no matter how many interventions the police and governments make to curb them, man’s ambition is always much more focused on money.

These fights generate a lot of money, because for a reason that we still don’t know, there are unscrupulous human beings who enjoy seeing others suffer, and if they are animals even better.

Dogs used for fights, in addition to falling into depression, live in fear, have huge traumas and are separated from their families without mercy, without love and without a decent home, they also suffer great physical damage that, on many occasions, causes the death of these dogs. animals.

No doubt this is something that makes animal lovers’ blood boil.

Jude the Pitbull with bad luck

Jude, the Pitbull that we will talk about today, was one of the “chosen” to participate in these fights. We don’t know where it comes from or how it got there. Nor how long did they keep him in this suffering and being forced to fight.

What we do  imagine is that due to his race and size, he would be highly valued among fight punters.

We don’t even want to think about the feelings of sadness, low self-esteem, and other feelings Jude felt. Just for being a Pitbull, this dog’s life followed a path that would be very unhappy for him.

bad luck ends

Dogfighting is considered animal abuse and is punishable by law in many countries, we hope it will soon be around the world. Jude chosen to participate in fights, was used for this purpose in the United States, a country that punishes with very strong penalties those who carry out or participate in them.

Jude was rescued in a dogfighting raid by New Jersey police in the United States. When they took him to the veterinary clinic, after being examined, they could see that the Pitbull fighter not only had external wounds, but also the internal damage was very great.

He had a heart murmur, his organs didn’t function well, and, most importantly, his external wounds were crippling. Everyone believed that the dog should be sacrificed to avoid pain. Even so, they didn’t surrender and decided to treat Jude.

Your recovery

Little by little, despite some relapses that made the vets believe there was nothing else to do, Jude recovered. Undoubtedly, the Pitbull wanted to live, to know a life different from the hell he had lived and, thanks to that, it was soon possible to see a precious animal with shiny fur, elegant bearing and happy eyes.

He went from being Jude, the pitbull of fights, to being Jude, the caring Pitbull. Now the most difficult thing remained: finding a family for him.

Jude the reborn Pitbull and his adoption

jude the pitbull

Source: Team Jude

Sometimes we judge from the outside, whether it’s people or animals. And Jude’s race is considered aggressive by those who don’t know much about it.

However, Jude is another example that this is not true. Soon he found a dog-loving family who didn’t care that Jude was already an adult and that he had the sad background he did.

Quite the contrary, it moved them and made them act and give Jude the home he never had. This couple, who had a baby, never doubted that a dog like Jude would be the best guardian their child could have. And they weren’t wrong.

Jude soon began to develop a love for the boy that cannot be expressed in words, and the boy for the dog. The relationship is so close that everyone who knows them says that “they love each other above all things”. Jude, be happy, you deserve it.

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