Is It Dangerous To Cut A Dog’s Whiskers?

Is it dangerous to cut a dog's whiskers?

We always hear that we shouldn’t cut cats’ whiskers. These are an essential part of your communication and advocacy. However, there are many who cut the dog’s whiskers without caring if it benefits or harms the animal.

Is it dangerous to cut a dog’s whiskers? Let’s first look at what they are for.

What are the dog’s whiskers for


In the case of dogs, and much like that of cats, whiskers serve as an orientation tool, complementing smell and touch.

These have a great sensitivity, and grow up at too young an age to help them with their exploration skills.

They could resemble our fingertips, sensitive in nature. A dog’s whiskers can notice the slight drafts, causing some small vibrations that will allow them to detect and recognize if there is an object nearby, as well as its size and shape. This helps them to react to dangers.

It also helps them measure spaces, protect their eyes. In the latter case, when they notice contact with something in these little hairs, their first reaction is to close their eyes.

Medically, these whiskers are used to make diagnoses through dermatological examinations, as they can sometimes present with scabies, burns, follicle pyoderma and follicular dysplasia.

As we have seen, the dog’s whiskers are very important, what are the dangers of cutting them then?

Don’t cut your dog’s whiskers

Did you notice that we only said “what dangers”, because actually cutting these little hairs off a dog is of no benefit. However, if you have already done so, don’t be scared, they will grow back.

Cutting a dog’s whiskers can seriously harm the animal. As we saw earlier, they are of paramount importance as far as your orientation is concerned. They may not be aesthetic at all, but they are central to your way of life.

We understand that you thought your pet looks better with no mustaches or shorter mustaches, but if you love your dog, you will certainly care more about his well-being than his beauty.

Risks of trimming the dog’s whiskers

The dangers of trimming a dog’s whiskers are:


  • He will feel uncomfortable. Think about how you feel when you get your hair cut and you don’t like the cut you’ve been given. He even gets up in the morning feeling bad and regretting what he has done. A dog that doesn’t have a mustache feels like he’s missing something. It’s part of his body, he can’t do without it.
  • Can’t orient himself. Imagine if they bandaged your hands and asked you to recognize different textures, could you? Animals need their whiskers to detect objects, their shape and size. That way you know where you are, what’s near and where you can go.
  • You will lose your bond with him. If you do this, or also take away or diminish something from your dog that he needs, it is very likely that he will be angry with you, that he will remain depressed and isolated and that he will not even get emotional when he has to go outside. This could put you into a depression that would lead to even worse results.

    So your dog’s whiskers are part of him, they’re part of his physiognomy, they’re not a nuisance! It is an extremely important tool for them in a world of unknown humans and where even people find it difficult to live. What is the need to make things more difficult just to see him a little prettier, a little more “to your liking”?

    So, allow your puppy to keep his whiskers, and the longer he has them, the better. In every dog ​​they grow as needed, don’t doubt the power of nature.

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