I Will Continue To Love You, Although You Will Leave Me

I will continue to love you even though you leave me

The abandonment of dogs continues to be a great evil and that, instead of decreasing, it seems that the numbers increase every day and we cannot do anything to eliminate it. We always look at this matter from the human perspective: those who leave, without any burden of conscience, those who love them, and who are filled with sadness and indignation. But would they think, even though you leave me, will I still love you?

But what about from a dog’s perspective? How does he see abandonment? We’ll tell a touching story, in first person, from the point of view of a puppy that will help you understand him. There is no greater loyalty than that of a dog.

Thank you for your love even though you leave me


I always get up first in this house, I don’t even know if it’s daylight, but I don’t want to sleep anymore. It’s still a long time for my dads to wake up… Wow! The door is opening, they are already dressed! Will they take me out on the street yet?

They are leaving the room with some suitcases, what is it for? Are we moving again? This is my belt! They’re taking me for a walk, I want to jump really high, I want them to know how grateful I am to them for taking me out. Walking with my dad in the morning is one of the things I like the most. I remember each and every one of the tours we’ve taken.

Mom is already putting the bags in the car, will they go on vacation again? I don’t want them to leave me again in that horrible dog hotel where they didn’t treat me well, I want to go with them!

My dad is helping to pack the bags and… wait! He’s also putting me in the car, cool! I will travel with them! Thank you my beloved owners and friends, for so much love, for not wanting to part with me even during the holidays.

Suddenly the car stops. Not bad, because I was already in the mood to pee! I go down and do it, mom gives me a caress and my dad throws me a ball. They even thought about playing with me on the way! How can I thank you for so much love?

I’m running after my ball with all my strength, I want to beat my record so they’ll be proud of me. I pick it up and when I go back to the car… the car, where is the car? I look wildly around, full of despair, trying to see them in the distance… Mom, Dad, where are you? Thank you for taking it to play and for all your love.

My love for you goes beyond death

Head down, not quite understanding what happened (possibly they forgot I was still there and they’ll come back to pick me up), I start walking scared, there’s no one on the road and the cars drive by like crazy. Where are my parents? I need them!

Soon people arrive, children approach, they seem to like my fur, a lady throws me a piece of food as if I were a stray dog, am I now? I feel dirty, I don’t know how much time I’ve been walking and the truth is I’m grateful that you gave me something to eat because I was starving.

Why is this man dressed in black running to me? I don’t like your shoes, they’re too big, better run. What did they throw at me that won’t let me run? It’s kind of like a network … I knew these shoes weren’t to be trusted. How cold it is in this car! There isn’t a warm, soft bench for me to sit on like my parents did. Perhaps the man in black will take me to them, perhaps he knows them.

I can’t believe my parents came to this place on vacation, it’s ugly, it’s full of cages and shiny, cold tables. Don’t put me in that cage! Then I won’t be able to run, I won’t be able to jump, I won’t be able to eat. What time will they take me for a walk?

I soon realized that I wouldn’t go out anymore, that my parents wouldn’t come back, that the man with the terrible shoes wouldn’t take me for a walk. Sometimes people come up to my cage, flatter me and say nice things to me, but they don’t make me very happy.

I just want to go home… even though they abandoned me

family with dog

One day they took me out of the cage, I was still wondering if they had found my parents or if they had returned to me, but they took me to a bright, cold table to do some routine checkups.

But today they have a needle, it’s too big, better not to try to fight because I won’t be able to free myself. I remember other times, it was a small pain that soon passed and they always said it was for my good. But it’s giving me a lot of sleep, I want to sleep, I better lie down because I feel a little nauseous…

Now I understand everything… now that I can see everything from above I understand that my parents abandoned me, possibly because I was a little old now, because I can see that they have another new friend who looks a lot like me. I can’t look at them with resentment, I see them with great gratitude and affection, because they helped me to be a happy dog ​​and, do you know what my dear parents? If I could go back to earth and let me choose, I would choose you again. Even though you leave me, I will continue to love you. That’s the way I am.

Because my love for you goes beyond death. Even though you leave me I will continue to love you…  

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