Hunting Dogs, Silent Victims

hunting dogs, silent victims

It is a regrettable feat, but despite the advance of civilization, animals continue to endure different types of mistreatment by human beings. Among them are dogs that suffer when used for hunting.

Despite the work of several defenders of these beings’ rights, hunting dogs suffer an ordeal that, in many cases, results in a premature and violent death.

An ancient and reputable story

beagle dog

Man has used dogs for hunting since time immemorial. Perhaps it was the first task our ancestors performed with dogs, even before their domestication.

Over time, hunting techniques have improved and different breeds of dogs for this purpose have also emerged.

This activity has developed and is developed in many cases for subsistence purposes. At some point it became a spectacle or a sport. That’s when the big problems for dogs began.

true silent victims

That humans exploit dogs’ hunting abilities for their own benefit may sound repugnant to many.

Despite this, the horror multiplies when you know the details about the treatment these animals receive, which are bred solely for the purpose of serving a millionaire market.

Protectors warn that the dogs used for this activity are the ones that suffer the most abuse and neglect, since the idea is that they do not represent an excessive expense. When they are no longer useful, they are discarded.

Hunting dogs, abused from birth

The nightmare of these animals starts from birth. They are crammed into breeders’ cages in absolutely inadequate hygienic and sanitary conditions and with poor nutrition. In these places the bitches are forced to give birth continuously.

At each birth, the best dogs are chosen, which are fit for the desired goal. Usually one or two dogs are selected from a total of five or six.

Dogs that:

  • Show a lot of aggressiveness;
  • They are not strong enough;
  • They have no predatory ability.

In addition, in a training stage, it seeks to achieve absolute submission of the animal to its owner. Most of the time this is achieved through blows and beatings.

Horrors in hunting seasons

During the process of the different hunting modalities, the ordeal for dogs continues:

even if you change your object” -Blas Infante-

  •  Otherwise you will be killed or abandoned.
  • Many make a mistake and end up getting lost and will only be looked for if they are “worth it”, according to the owners’ discretion. The rest will starve, be shot or run over by an automobile.

That damn human custom of “Use and throw away”


Once the hunting season is over, it is time to remove the dogs that are no longer useful for the next seasons. The ways to do this are varied: among them are abandonment or other worse things.

Some, only a few, will be lucky enough to be delivered to reception centers or are picked up by protective associations. Of these, few will be adopted. Others will risk being sacrificed.

For the right to care for hunting dogs

Different groups that defend the rights of animals continue to fight for the ban on hunting with greyhounds and the use of groups of dogs of various breeds to become law in Spain.

They also demand improvements in the regulation and control of the use of all types of dogs in different hunting activities.

Meanwhile, once again, dogs remain innocent victims of human beings.

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