How To Take Care Of A Duck At Home?

How to take care of a duck at home?

When families decide to adopt a pet, having a duck at home is a situation that, for many, can seem unusual.

The “market” of pets is dominated by two kinds: first, the dogs, and soon after, the cats.

Less conventional options, but appearing with some frequency, are rabbits and birds. Others prefer fish or turtles. Some opt for animals a little more exotic (and even dangerous), such as snakes, spiders and scorpions.

In some rural areas, ducks are often companions to chickens like animals raised for food. Having a duck at home as a pet is a novelty, and it has become fashionable in countries like the United States.

Is it possible to have a duck at home as a pet?

It is an unorthodox option, but it is possible. Ducks are very sociable birds, who like to play and be with people. If they receive constant attention, they can understand orders and, in some cases, even go for a walk in the street with their owners.


Whoever decides to assume a duck as one more member of their family group must be aware of the minimum requirements that this bird demands.

Having a pet is a life commitment that is established with the animal. Once assumed, the responsibility must be fulfilled in full.

the ideal home

These birds can adapt to domestic life without major difficulties. If, in addition to receiving attention and care, the host family has a home with a patio or outdoor spaces, even better. And if the animal has free access to a tank where it can swim and bathe frequently, it will be perfect.

A duck in an apartment?

That’s an option that shouldn’t even be considered. The opposite reasons are several and affect the comfort and well-being of the animal:

  • Ducks need outdoor space to walk and stretch their wings. Keeping them indoors 24 hours, without receiving direct sunlight, can make them depressed.
  • They also need constant bathing and swimming. Anyone who has a duck at home and lives in an apartment should consider putting a small plastic pool in the middle of the room.
  • Ducks defecate in abundance. This is a factor that differentiates you from dogs or cats, there is no way to educate them. As they walk or swim, almost as often as they shake their tails, they release their solid waste. Some people choose to put on diapers made especially for ducks. But in addition to having to be changed very often, the animal will not be very comfortable with this accessory.
  • They are effusive and scandalous. Also, when they receive affection, they reciprocate with loud grunts. Neighbors of families who have a duck in their home may eventually complain about the excessive noise.

    Specific care for having a duck at home

    If you have made the decision to raise a duck, the following aspects should be taken into account:

    • Ducks need company. Those who choose to adopt them should know that it is convenient to take them to their new home in couples, male and female.
    • During the first month of life, they are animals that have difficulties both to regulate their body temperature and to swim. It is recommended during this period that they spend most of their time indoors. Also, spaces that are away from drafts. Likewise, during times in the water, they should be under surveillance, as they could drown.


    • After 2 months of life, its feathers have fully developed. This allows them to remain unrestricted in open spaces and swim without hassle.
    • Ideally, ducks should have a corral, a place where they can freely enter to protect themselves from changes in the climate. This place should be completely surrounded at night to minimize the risk of predator attacks.
    • They need fresh, clean water. Your drinking water container should be cleaned twice a day.
    • Most of the food for these birds available on the market tends to make them fat very quickly. To avoid being overweight, rations should be halved as indicated on the label. Likewise, your diet can be based on or supplemented with seeds, vegetables, vegetables, insects or live fish.

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