How To Properly Educate A Boxer

How to properly educate a Boxer

Intelligent, faithful, affectionate, balanced, playful, curious. This is the Boxer, a dog full of strength and vitality, which gets along very well with children. But he is also a very suspicious animal before strangers and, if he considers that his family – or pack – is in some kind of danger, he will defend it with all his strength. Hence his reputation for aggressiveness.

That’s why it ‘s very important to educate him as a puppy. In addition, this way he can also be controlled in his tendency to be possessive and dominant.

Advice to properly educate a boxer

Educating a Boxer

If you know your Boxer’s positive and challenging characteristics it will be very helpful to understand him while you train him. It’s an easy animal to train whenever you explicitly assume the command role.

Failure to do so could result in an animal that is difficult to control and becomes stubborn and demanding. For this reason, you should start his education from day one and teach him to respect you as the head of his group.

Keep these tips in mind:

– Give him a short name so he’ll recognize you quickly.

– To keep his interest awake while you educate him, talk to him in a lively and friendly way.

– Give simple orders and don’t change them. For example: Here or come. Seated. Jump. Quiet and NO. Remember that you will have to be patient and that you will have to repeat the commands many times until he assimilates them.

Don’t be annoyed if he lingers in his learning and let him notice your happiness at your advances.

– Get him used, from a puppy, to urinating and defecating outside the house. You can teach him using a newspaper moistened with his urine, which you should take, little by little, to the front door or to the garden or yard, if you have it.

– Before your walk, ask him to sit down so you can put on the collar. To continue this way, establishing your leadership, you must always leave and enter your house before your dog.

And while walking, position yourself a few steps ahead of him. If he removes the collar, stop and do not resume walking until it is put back on.

– If he starts biting different objects that are within his reach in the home – shoes, furniture, pillows, socks – stop him with a NO and immediately give him a chewable toy. It should be clear to him what things he can bite and what he can’t.

– Get him used to letting your body touch: examine his mouth, paw, etc. also get him used to having his toys and food removed without having aggressive reactions. Think that all of this can be useful in a veterinary consultation, or when it becomes necessary in the home.

More information on boxer education

Race information

We will now tell you some other information that may be useful during your dog’s education process:

– Never hit him. With violence, nothing is achieved. And what’s more, it can make your boxer aggressive.

– Just scold him at the exact moment he has a bad behavior. If you do this later, the animal will not understand the reason for your anger.

Just as he will not understand a congratulation for a behavior he has previously had.

– When he has learned a new order, reward him. Keep in mind that some dogs respond better to play than to food during training.

– Make sure your Boxer gets plenty of exercise. Otherwise, he may become bored and restless, and even start engaging in unwanted behaviors.

– Involve your entire family in the training of your dog, so that he gets used to the command of each one of them.

Remember that everyone must use the same criteria and the same words to give you an order. Don’t confuse the animal by giving it contradictory directives.

– When you order something, you must show him that you are serious. Your expression and body language have to give you clear signals.

If you’re not firm enough, he’ll think you’re kidding and won’t give a shit.

– It is also important that you socialize the dog, facilitating contact with other humans and other animals. If any negative behavior appears, correct it immediately.

Following these advices, you will be able to live with an extremely pleasant animal and free from aggressive behavior.

Anyway, if you consider it necessary, remember that – from 5 months onwards – your animal is already able to be trained by a professional.

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