How To Help Animals In Brazil?

How to help animals in Brazil?

In Brazil, there are several foundations, organizations and associations to help animals,  in which respect for these beings, the love and affection we feel for them are the factors that drive the daily struggle for those who suffer due to the inhuman behavior with which some people reward your loyalty.

A suitable home to help animals


Author: Vicki Warwick

It is important to find a suitable home where these animals are given love, friendship and loyalty. We must also collaborate in the control of populations of stray dogs and cats, taking into account that, by doing so, we will be providing a service to society, which will benefit both in terms of health, as well as solidarity and safety.

There are countless options in Brazil. Becoming a member of an animal protection center, sponsoring, adopting a dog or cat, reporting abuse, helping to respect animals, avoiding unanticipated or unwanted puppies, etc.

how to help animals

Below we will tell you some ways to help animals in need.

Joining an animal protection entity

Become a member of an animal protection association. This type of organization, which has a shelter, has to feed the animals that are collected, in addition, they need to provide the necessary health care. Furthermore, it has to bear the costs of maintaining its facilities.

The options for help through an animal protection entity are: collaborating with campaigns to promote adoption, supporting legal initiatives, participating in and publicizing conferences, lectures and all kinds of help in the shelter’s facilities.

Partners are a fundamental part of maintaining these associations. Therefore, the initiative to associate and adequately contribute to defend animals is a very important action, which helps to save these helpless animals.

The first action you should take is to choose an association that meets some requirements  that are in line with what you support. Contributions and grants (which are usually also part of your publication submission) vary by association.

animal sponsorship

Sponsorship consists in contributing a certain amount of money. In this way, the godparents help in the maintenance of the animals collected at the shelter in a more personalized way. Some associations have a protocol in which a photo with a brief history of the animal is sent to their sponsors.

animal adoption

Adoption, in addition to having a solidary purpose, is necessary. Brazilian shelters are saturated with abandoned animals.

Adopting a dog or cat responsibly is a way to provide a home for needy animals that respond by offering all their affection and delivery to the adopter. Some data on adoption in Spain attest that approximately half of the dogs that are found in shelters and municipal centers end up being adopted.

Avoid unwanted puppies

Every year, shelters receive a large number of dogs and cats  that already arrive with unwanted puppies. Another cause is changes and changes of residence, sometimes due to economic reasons. A good solution if it is not possible to control unwanted offspring is to sterilize the animal.

Report abuse

The denunciation of abuse is also an important action,  of a social nature and with regard to animals. The Nature Protection Service registered more than 10,000 reports of abuse and violence against animals in Spain alone, which included beatings, abandonment, lack of attention and food, torture, etc.

This commitment by citizens to  denounce and bring to the attention of the competent authorities cases of abuse  against animals is a fundamental solidarity action against this type of illegality.

Another option is to report videos of animal abuse on the Internet. Complaints can be made through the Nature Protection Service and animal defense associations, which usually rely on legal advice.

Associations to help animals

help shelters

Don’t forget that  each animal protection association has its own policy for selecting volunteers  to help with your daily work. Anyone interested in collaborating with an animal protection association should contact one of them by phone or email.

Associations store the data of the person who wants to provide services as a volunteer. The person’s name remains on a list for the institution to contact when they need help.

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