How To Care For Your Cat’s Appearance

How to take care of your cat's appearance

Overweight is never good, whether in people or animals. If you want your pussy, in addition to being beautiful, to be happy and healthy, prevent it from getting too fat. We’ll tell you what to do to take care of your cat’s appearance.

Causes of overweight in cats

Obesity in pets is a growing topic and is often related to overweight pet owners. This phenomenon is more observed in developed countries, where the tendency is to eat a lot and badly, practicing less and less physical activity.

It is necessary to understand that the lives of these cats have changed significantly in a short period of time. Many cats stopped being those adventurous animals, who explored everything at night and returned home just to eat and sleep, and became pampered – and spayed – children who don’t leave the house anymore, except to go to the vet once in a while .

Thus, the reduction of daily physical activities, combined with neutering and the availability of plentiful food – including treats and snacks – at home, have created a fatal combination for cats to gain weight.

Balanced diet and exercise, the pillars of your cat’s good appearance

cat eating feed

As soon as you notice that your furry friend is getting fat, it’s time to start a campaign to get him back to his normal weight.

An overweight cat is one that, seen from above, looks like a cylinder, or whose waist ends up covering ribs. If the animal is very furry and you cannot judge its physical size very well, feel its body. If you don’t notice the cat’s ribs, it’s a sign of trouble with the scale.

To regain your cat’s silhouette, therefore, you must follow the two fundamental pillars: offer him a balanced diet and keep him away from sedentary lifestyle.

How to feed a cat so it doesn’t get fat?

It doesn’t matter if you feed your cat ready-to-eat kibble or homemade food. You must provide him with the proper amount of food for the pet’s weight, age, and physical condition. The veterinarian, or an animal nutrition specialist, will know how to create a proper diet.

Also, except in specific cases of the health of each pet, choose foods rich in animal protein and low in carbohydrates. Remember that a domestic cat is still a carnivorous animal, no matter how much he spends his entire life sleeping on the sofa in the living room.

And although in theory cats know how to regulate their food consumption according to their needs, in practice this does not always happen. Thus, the ideal is that you distribute the daily ration of your furry in 3 or 4 servings. If he gets a special treat, something he always demands when he sees you cooking, add it to the calorie counter.

Avoiding sedentary lifestyle combats your cat’s overweight

cat lying down

If the cat does not have access to the outdoors and is spayed, you should end its sedentary lifestyle as soon as possible. Start a play routine that keeps you active. In addition to fighting excess weight, it will allow the two of you to spend quality time together.

If you don’t have a lot of time for your pet to exercise daily, give him enough toys or surprise him with a tree for cats. An even better solution is to consider adopting another kitten.

You’ll see how they spend most of the day chasing each other. In addition to having fun, they will also burn a lot of calories.

Obesity and health do not go together

Keep in mind that although chubby cats look like cute and charming little balls of fur, being overweight is not good for their health and decreases the pet’s quality of life.

Obese cats can suffer from:

Liver, kidney and pancreas problems;

Inflammatory bowel disease;

Dermatological problems;



So don’t waste another minute and do everything you can to get your kitten back in good shape.

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