How To Care For A Deaf Dog

How to care for a deaf dog

When our pet reaches a certain age, it is normal for some of its senses to begin to fade. In the case of dogs, we must know that they can continue with their lives normally, even if they require some additional attention. In this article, we will tell you  how to take care of a deaf dog, so that he maintains his quality of life.

Taking care of a deaf dog: what to consider

Deafness is a very common condition in dogs. It may appear in one in five dogs from 10 years of age onwards. It can be total or partial and, in many cases, gradually increase.

The good news is that  our pets still have a sense of smell and sight to rely on. Therefore, he will not be disabled or incapacitated. In order to take care of a deaf dog, the first thing we must do is leave prejudices aside.

Afterwards, don’t be afraid and don’t worry too much about the animal, since it can continue to be happy, despite not listening. At first it will be a challenge, but he will be able to move forward thanks to our help  and his abilities. As owners, we must have patience, constancy and a lot of love.

stray dog ​​receiving affection

Caring for a Deaf Dog

The fact that your pet has lost its hearing does not mean that it will be unable to do its usual activities. Therefore, you should not feel sorry for him, but rather help him so that he can further enhance or develop his other senses  (especially sight and smell).

  1. walk with the leash

Perhaps in the first moments your animal feels a little disoriented for not being able to hear what is happening around him. For this reason, we recommend taking him for a walk with the strap,  so that he is always at your side and doesn’t run scared when he gets scared by something he saw and didn’t hear. The most dangerous situations in these cases could be an attempt to cross the street or walk along a very busy avenue. If he is not tied to his collar, we will not be able to control or prevent his reaction.

  1. Identification

You can add a nameplate that also indicates that he is deaf, in case he gets lost. In some cases, special collars (with different colors) can help too.

  1. put a bell

Deaf dogs often cannot or do not know how to bark  (it will depend on whether the animal was born with this condition or whether it developed it over time). Some owners put a small bell on the collar so that if it moves away, we can hear it or recognize it by the sound.

  1. train your other senses

When taking care of a deaf dog, it is obvious that he will not be able to respond to your call, and for him to get close to you, he must see you or smell you. The good news is that dogs are very good at remembering scents that are familiar to them. For example, at mealtime, you will only have to put the ration on your plate and wait a few moments. Only a few seconds if the feed is moist or the food is hot!

dog eating dog food

If you want to get his attention, stay close to him, so he can see you or recognize you by your particular scent. You can also  teach him sign language that is simple and that he can quickly understand. Many of these signs we already use on a daily basis.

  1. Always approach from the front

Never approach a deaf dog (whether yours or not) from behind, as he may get scared and attack you. Approach slowly so that he sees you well. If he’s asleep and you want to wake him up, no sudden movements, it’s best to pat him gently and put your hand close to his nose so he can identify your scent.

  1. Play according to your condition

Nothing prevents a deaf dog from having fun as before. The games of playing ball or a stick, for example, can continue. It just depends on the animal seeing you and recognizing your signals. When rewarding or praising, look him in the eye and give him some caress. He will understand perfectly well that you are proud of him.

Main image source: Dennis Hill

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