How To Care For A Blind Dog

How to care for a blind dog

When they reach a certain age, pets begin to lose their eyesight. Even with the other senses very well developed, such as smell and hearing, they may need help in the first few months after the loss. In this text, we’ll tell you how to take care of a blind dog so that it maintains its lifestyle for the last few years.

Advice for taking care of a blind dog

As a first step, you need to know that just because your dog has lost his sight doesn’t mean he can’t fend for himself. That means you don’t have to overprotect him or feel that without your help he can’t do anything. If you convey your fears and insecurities to the animal, it can become very dependent.

Brown and black dog with the tongue hanging out

Source: Redfishingboat (Mick O)

Remember that the dog will adapt to its new condition and, even if it takes some time, it will get used to not seeing. It can sharpen other senses that will be further developed. Pay attention to these recommendations for caring for a blind dog :

1. Don’t make major changes in place

The restructuring of objects or furniture must be strategic. This means that you don’t have to remove half of the furniture to let the dog walk freely without bumping into anything, but just move some things that could be dangerous for him, or that could break if they fall to the ground.

Remember that the animal will be guided by its sense of smell and that, in addition, it has in its memory the location of objects in the house. His personal effects also have particular scents that can be detected by the animal from a distance. Don’t move his stuff around, because it can disorient you.

2. Give him some freedom

In the beginning, it is normal for a blind dog to bump into some things, because, until that moment, he was used to seeing them. Don’t be scared or get behind him at all times. What you can do is keep order in place so there are no objects that could hurt, such as open furniture doors or children’s toys on the floor.

3. Protect the stairs

If there are stairs in your house, you should put up a fence or special protection, to prevent the dog from climbing, or to prevent it from falling if you take it upstairs. Don’t worry, in time he will learn to climb step by step. Maybe he’s scared at first, but you can help him get through this phase.

4. Take him where his things are

When caring for a blind dog, we shouldn’t worry about it being able to find its food or water. However, it is always good to help him in the first few months. The reference point for the animal will always be its food pot or its bed. From there, he will be able to orient himself to different places in the house.

5. Buy toys with sound

Play hours should not be reduced or eliminated because your pet has vision problems. But you can modify the elements used. Since now he won’t see the ball so he can pick it up at the park, you can buy him a toy with sound so he can easily find it.

We recommend that you don’t stop playing with the animal, to prevent it from feeling sad or depressed. Let him know that he is still very important to you! You can, for example, teach him to follow you by making noises or shouting his name. This can help if he gets lost or disoriented in a park or other busy place.

Little white dog playing with the ball in the park.

6. Walk on a leash

Exercise is another activity that cannot be overlooked when caring for a blind dog. Since he may be disoriented or startled by some noises, we advise you to always take him on a leash. So he will be by your side at all times. Keep in mind that during the walk, he is likely to stop more often to smell things. Don’t rush him to keep walking. With the scents, the dog will be able to get its bearings if it needs to find its way back home.

Main image source: alexplayground

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