How Long Should A Puppy Stay With Its Mother?

In case you didn’t know, dogs have to spend more time than everyone thinks with their mothers to acquire social skills, many of which they learn by
How long should a puppy stay with its mother?

Sometimes, man’s greed harms nature and animals alike. For example, in the case of puppies, it is not uncommon to separate them from the mother before the recommended time. . In addition to causing great emotional damage, this can lead to unpleasant behavior in the animal, both as a baby and when it is grown up.

There is a technique known as imprinting , which is based on the animal ‘s socialization from birth , especially with your family. Dogs, like humans, absorb behaviors that they will use to form their personality even as puppies.

The most important part of this process spans from two to seven weeks of life. , when you will begin to discover the world, know where he comes from and who his family is. This process is extremely important, as the dog’s personality and behavior depend on it. So let’s see how long a dog should be with its mother.

How long should a puppy be with its mother

Puppies must complete the period of imprinting and lactation to be balanced. Although the imprinting process can be completed after seven weeks, the breastfeeding process does not end until at least nine weeks. That one process has completed does not mean that the next should be sped up, since both are different.

However, although nine weeks is the scheduled time for weaning , that does not mean it can not happen later . . What can never be done is to finish it early, and many recommend that instead of nine weeks, it should be done at twelve. Why?

Apparently, after the first nine weeks, the mothers of the puppies begin to treat them more severely.  They take them by the neck and even give them little bites to teach them a series of rules and “ways” that will serve you a lot in life.


Therefore, the longer a puppy is with his mother, the better his behavior and emotional state will be throughout his life. . We understand that if you’re waiting for a puppy, you’re looking forward to having one, but be patient no matter if you wait another month to have a healthy, happy animal in the future.

What is the harm to the puppy?

If a puppy is prematurely separated from its mother, it can cause it a lot of damage. These are some of them:

  • Scary and insecure personality . That a dog finds itself out of its environment before its time can create insecurity and, therefore, not knowing very well where to go or what to do. This will make you an unhappy animal and possibly not give you the happiness you are looking for when looking for a pet.
  • Will not know how to relate . We have already seen that the socialization it’s very important. If this doesn’t last the established time, the animal is likely to have problems related to other people and other pets.
  • Will be suspicious and aggressive . These will be the consequences of feeling insecure. Let’s say he will always have a “loaded shotgun” in case something he doesn’t like comes up, another sign of unhappiness.

However, if the times are respected, dogs will experience these benefits:

  • They will learn discipline . canine mothers teach your puppy to bite what is right or wrong. A step you won’t have to teach him.
  • They will know where the limits are . If they want to play or fight among themselves, the mother acts and teaches that there is a time for everything.
  • They learn not to bite when they play . Playing with your siblings will teach you how not to hurt anyone. If they bite one of their siblings hard, they will react with a scream (an uncomfortable sound – remember that dogs’ hearing is very keen), and the ‘aggressor’ will learn that he has done something wrong and should smooth out the game.
  • Know the strength of affection . During this time, the mother takes care of them, licks them, plays with them and makes them feel loved and important. This will make love and your ability to love to grow in them as well.

    In short, be patient and don’t adopt any animal that hasn’t had enough time with its mother.

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