How Do I Know If My Cat Has A Fever

There are numerous signs that tell if a cat has a fever: dry nose, eating less, lack of cleanliness or more aggressiveness are some of the symptoms.
How to tell if my cat has a fever

Animals can demonstrate, without using words, when they don’t feel well or that something hurts them. To know if your cat has a fever, you should pay attention to the signs he gives you, especially his changes in attitude. We will tell you more in this article.

Does my cat have a fever?

The body temperature of cats varies between 38 and 39°C. When he exceeds this mark, he is considered to have a fever and that this may be due to an illness, infection, or health problem.

It is not necessary to take the temperature with a thermometer, something that can be tricky when the animal is sick or very skittish.

But you can pay attention to his attitudes to determine if he has a fever:

  1. Hide

It’s true that cats like to get into quiet places like under the bed or table. But if they have a fever, they won’t want to go out for anything in the world (not to eat or play).

In some cases, they can hide in places where it is difficult to get out unaided and, in addition, they do not want contact with people or other animals.

  1. Changes in vocalization

Cats are very vocalic, in the sense that they use different tones to express themselves. Some may be completely quiet when they have a fever.

Others spend hours meowing and screaming nonstop. In either case, this is a warning to the owner.

  1. Has dry nose

This can also give us a clue as to what happens to our pet. A healthy cat has a wet nose (so do dogs).

But when he is stressed or sick, his nose is dry and sometimes hot (in case of fever).

cat with fever

  1. has less vitality

Cats usually spend many hours a day sleeping, this is nothing new. But the truth is that, at certain times of the day, especially at night, they “wake up” to play, eat, explore the house, etc.

Take the test by showing him something that would normally catch his eye, such as a toy or something that makes a noise.

Shake a ribbon, throw your favorite ball close to him… if he doesn’t make an effort to catch it and doesn’t even raise his head alertly, he could be sick.

  1. eat less

You can see this by analyzing the amount of feed you left in your feeder and the amount you find hours later.

A sick cat will refuse food, even what he likes best, for example, wet kibble.

cat not wanting to eat

Also, pay attention to whether he drinks water or not. It is very important that he stay hydrated continuously, especially if he has a fever. Do your best to at least eat as little as possible.

  1. becomes aggressive

It’s another sign that something bad is happening to your cat, especially if he’s affectionate or playful.

Aggression is the animal’s way of defending itself, and when it feels sick, everything seems to be an attack. 

Therefore, he may try to bite or scratch, meow or ruffle his fur. He will avoid any and all contact with you.

  1. not clean

One of the clear signs that the animal is sick or that something hurts is that it abandons its grooming ritual, something that for cats is fundamental.

If he doesn’t lick or clean his fur as usual, this is a clear indicator of fever or illness.

  1. vomiting or diarrhea

Many feline illnesses that cause fever also cause vomiting or diarrhea. You should check your litter box or the surroundings of your bed to find these debris.

He may not try to cover his debris with rocks or sand as usual.

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