Horsetail: Advice And Care

Horsetail: advice and care

A ponytail is a very expressive part of your body, and says a lot about your state of mind. Taking care of this part of the animal’s body is not just an aesthetic issue, but a requirement to preserve the health of the horse.

Horses show emotions with all their bodies

Horses are very sensitive animals and have a remarkable capacity for expression. They communicate with each other and with the environment around them permanently. And this is done through their facial expressions, the movement of their ears, tail, head and the sounds they make…

They can recognize environmental stimuli through sight, smell, hearing and touch. Therefore, demonstrate your emotions and state of mind with your whole body.

Their intense sensory ability allows them to easily detect changes around them. Therefore, despite their high sociability, they can become frightened and suspicious.

Thoroughbred ponytail

The horse’s tail and its functions

In mammals,  the tail is an extension of the spine,  but it is also independent and has its own mobility, even though it is attached to the animal’s body.

Cows, horses and other quadrupeds have short tails that mainly fulfill an important protective function. These animals chase away insects and other opportunistic animals by moving their tails. This allows him to keep his genital and anal region free from various parasites.

The horse’s tail also plays an important communicative and social function. Animals express their mood and transmit information through this member of their bodies.

When they are happy or excited, the horses raise their tails to show their mood. But when they are afraid, they hide their tail between their legs. In a way very similar to dogs.

Seborrhea: A Common Ponytail Problem

Seborrhea, also called “greasy dandruff”, appears secondary to other problems. It is usually associated with an infestation by external and internal parasites, bacteria or fungi. But it can also be caused by a deficiency of zinc and other minerals.

To prevent your horse from having this problem, it  is essential to carry out periodic deworming and ensure proper hygiene habits  for the animal.

If the first symptoms appear, it  is advisable to disinfect your horse with a shampoo based on pyrethrin. Baths should be done once a week for 3 or 4 weeks.

When seborrhea is concentrated in the horse’s tail, there are specific shampoos for that region. Generally, they should be used for 2 or 3 weeks, with applications once a week.

Tips and care

As we can see,  taking care of the horse’s tail does not only serve to beautify it. The tail is part of the animal’s body and must be healthy to perform its functions properly.

To facilitate the care of your horse, we analyze 4 fundamental aspects:

1. Keep the proper length

If the animal’s tail or mane is excessively long, they can harm the horse’s development. Also, the size of the horse’s tail is an important aspect of its hygiene and health.

The longer the animal’s tail and mane, the more care will be needed to maintain its cleanliness. This also makes it more difficult to recognize the presence of parasites and microorganisms in general.

2. Periodic brushing

The horse’s coat needs frequent brushing to prevent the hair from becoming matted,  forming knots or nodules. In addition, this practice helps to eliminate dead hair and improves the animal’s appearance.

It is recommended to brush your horse 3 to 4 times a week  with a wide bristle comb. It is important to pay attention to the long hairs on the mane and tail.

3. Baths and proper hygiene

Horses like to cool off and clean naturally. For this reason, baths are adequate and essential to preserve the animal’s health. They should be performed 3 to 4 times a month, depending on the weather.

Arabian horse

There are specific products based on silicone to beautify and detangle the long hair  of the animal’s tail. They can also be used for horse mane.

4. Hairstyles

“Hairstyles” are an excellent strategy to highlight the beauty of the horse’s mane and tail. They are also a good option to prevent long hair from disturbing the vision or impairing the animal’s performance.

You can choose to pin the hairs together, tying them up simply, or making elaborate braids and knots. In addition to the aesthetics, it is a good opportunity to spend time and show affection for your pet.

A horse’s tail is a fundamental part of your body  and has important functions for your health. Therefore, keeping it healthy and beautiful is part of responsible behavior as a pet owner.

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