Hazardous Food For Rabbits

Excessive use of certain leaves, vegetables and fruits can cause health problems for rabbits.
Hazardous food for rabbits

Some foods can be toxic or indigestible to animals, although they seem harmless because they are part of our diet. It is important to be aware of this. Next, we’ll explain which foods are dangerous for rabbits.

Vegetables, fruits, vegetables and leaves are part of the normal diet of rabbits, but  there are certain foods that this animal should not overeat.

1. Hazardous food for rabbits: wild plants

parsley and red clover

The  parsley contains apiina that, in high doses, may cause damage to the kidney and liver. This and other components are responsible for its diuretic action.

Parsley has many healthy properties when consumed in small amounts. It is a source of vitamins and antioxidants due to its essential oils apiol and myristicin, but we have to be careful with the dose.

Red clover is not a highly recommended plant for rabbits as it causes gas. So if your rabbit’s diet is red clover, make sure you give it in very small amounts and always harvest it before the flower drops.

Other wild plants can be very toxic, like hemlock or belladonna, and not just to rabbits.

rabbit eating plants

2. Hazardous food for rabbits: vegetables

Green leafy vegetables, especially those with darker leaves that contain more nutrients, vitamins and minerals, are very important in rabbit nutrition. However, when consumed in excess, some of them can cause health problems.


Spinach is rich in vitamin A, folic acid, iron and other minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium, but it also contains a large amount of calcium oxalate which can be toxic.

A very high consumption of spinach can cause urinary calculi, caused by the accumulation of this compound. Alfalfa should not be offered in abundance due to its high calcium content.

lettuce and cabbage

It is the food most commonly offered to rabbits, but  due to its high water content, it should not be abused as it can cause diarrhea . Care must be taken when feeding small rabbits lettuce. Cabbage can also cause diarrhea and gas if given too much.


Raw potatoes – including the leaves and stems – are toxic to rabbits. If you boil the potato, it is suitable for animal consumption, but due to its high starch content and high caloric value, it is not recommended.


It has numerous healthy properties, is a good antioxidant, but it can also  cause gas if we introduce it in large amounts.

3. Fruits

Fruits, in general,  should be offered in small amounts due to their high water and sugar content. A diet with excess fruit – more than 5% of the diet – can cause diarrhea in rabbits.

rabbit food

4. Low quality food

The daily amount of feed must be rationed. It is very common to make the mistake of feeding the rabbit only feed. A diet based solely on pet foods can cause long-term health problems:

  • Intestinal transit problems due to the low amount of fiber in most of these foods.
  • Little wear on the tooth. Rabbits’ teeth do not stop growing and it is necessary to offer foods rich in fiber to favor their wear. Tooth overgrowth is a common problem in domestic rabbits.
  • Obesity. The  pellet is a highly concentrated food and excessive daily consumption can cause obesity in the long term rabbits.
  • Urinary calculations. The feed has a high concentration of calcium and minerals that can precipitate in the bladder and form stones.

    The most advisable is to prepare a varied diet of leaves, vegetables, hay and feed in small amounts to maintain the rabbit’s health. It is very important that you always have clean, fresh water available to your pet.

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