Great Loon: Characteristics, Habitat And Reproduction

Although birds prefer the air, there are some like the Great Mob, which stand out for their talent in fishing, diving and other unique qualities.
Great loon: characteristics, habitat and reproduction

The Great Mob ( Gavia immer ) is a species of bird of the Gaviidae family , typical of North America and Europe. It is a migratory bird that has as its breeding place the lakes of North America, Greenland, Iceland and Great Britain. Also, in winter, it migrates to the North Atlantic and Northeast Pacific coasts.

This bird can measure between 61 and 100 centimeters in length and its wingspan is 122 to 152 centimeters, while its weight varies between 1.6 and 8 kilos. On the other hand, the average loafer can measure 81 centimeters in length and its wingspan is 136 centimeters. In relation to weight, it does not exceed 4.1 kilos.

Physical characteristics

The plumage of the Great Mob is characterized by having a black hue on the head and neck, except for a collar-shaped band in the middle of the neck at the time of reproduction. Likewise, the upper parts are also black, with a slight white hue.

When not in breeding season, its color is dark brown on top and white on the bottom, which includes the throat and front of the neck. On the other hand, its beak is straight and dark blue in color, which makes it possible to differentiate it from the yellow-billed mob, whose beak is slightly slanted upwards and yellowish in color.

a big loon

Great loon behavior

The loon is a bird that captures its prey by diving, as it can reach depths of 60 meters, where it can remain submerged for 3 minutes without breathing. Among their favorite freshwater prey we can mention pike, perch and trout, among others. Likewise, your saltwater prey can be redfish and sardines.

Another of this animal’s most special characteristics is that it needs to run long distances to gain momentum and take off. This particularity is due to the fact that their legs are far behind the body, which makes landing very difficult. These types of feet are ideal for diving, but not for walking.

Habitat and food

As mentioned above, the loon breeding site is at the top of the globe, in North American countries, Greenland, Iceland and Great Britain. In winter, these birds migrate south and to the coastal waters of North America and Europe, as well as to the northwest coasts of Africa.

On the other hand, the presence of the Great Mob is an indicator of water quality, as this bird usually prefers clean and crystalline areas. As for food, it can be said that she is an excellent fisherman. Most of their diet consists of fish, such as perch and freshwater sunfish in northern lakes.

However, when fish are scarce, these birds feed on crustaceans, snails, leeches and even aquatic insect larvae. During the winter, this species has been observed to feed on small fish, such as croaker, and sometimes gather in groups to chase schools of kingfish.

Great loon reproduction

In general, this species nests on the islands of lakes to protect its offspring from terrestrial predators. However, this mechanism does not work in all cases, due to predators that can access these areas, such as seagulls, corvids and opossums, among others.

Because of this, the great loon chooses to defend its nest by attacking intruders. It does this by pecking at the attacker’s abdomen, back, head, or neck. This bird has a new litter once a year between April and June, when the female lays 1 to 3 eggs near water, in a mound protected by both parents.

As you have seen, the Great Mob is a master bird in the art of diving and fishing. However, it is a species threatened by man and many specimens have disappeared due to acid rain and pollution. For this reason, several strategies have been implemented to help conserve this unique species.

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