Give Your Family A Gift: Add A Dog To Your Baby’s Life

Give Your Family a Gift: Include a Dog in Your Baby's Life

Going against the advice of many people, including a dog in your baby’s life is a decision you won’t regret. Even if you have to work a little while also taking care of the furry one, the benefits and joys will be much greater.

Give yourself and your child a dog

The arrival of a baby at home should not be accompanied by the departure of its furry one, as some believe, alleging safety or hygiene reasons.

Also, ideally, if you don’t have a dog, along with your child’s arrival, give your child and yourself a four-legged friend as a gift.

The relationship that will be created between them will be wonderful and they will grow together as the best friends and companions in the world.

Including a dog in your baby’s life will make him healthier

dog participating in the child's life

Your child will not only find a great companion for play and fun. Living with a dog has many health benefits for the baby.

For example, a study by researchers at the University of Eastern Finland found that children who are raised with a dog during the first few years of life have a 30% lower risk of developing respiratory infections. In the case of ear infections, the risk is reduced by 50%.

Also, babies who get sick recover more quickly and need fewer antibiotics to heal.

Other studies have indicated that a baby who grows up with a dog is less likely to suffer from asthma and develop allergies to pets when they are older.

Dogs strengthen the immune system of the little ones in the house

Now that you know a little about the benefits, there is no doubt that  a dog in your baby’s life will help strengthen your child’s body defenses.

The dogs, when they go out for a walk, come back with a little dirt and bacteria from the street. But that’s not bad. In this way, your child’s immune system learns to fight these microorganisms. Sometimes a little dirt doesn’t hurt.

However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a pet that is properly controlled by a veterinarian, dewormed and up-to-date with vaccinations. Nor does it fail to socialize and train him properly. One thing does not eliminate the other!

Discover other benefits that dogs bring to babies and their families

These aren’t the only benefits dogs can bring to your baby and the rest of the family. There are many reasons for an animal to accompany your child from the cradle.

  • Living with dogs reduces stress. This ensures that your child is raised in a calmer and less aggressive environment.
  • Through playing with your pet, the baby will accelerate its psychomotor development.
  • The child will feel safe and well cared for, not only by the parents, but also by the dog.
  • As you grow up with your furry friend, your child will have more self-esteem and will be more responsible, sensitive and supportive.

Adopting a dog, the best decision when a baby comes home

dog in baby's life

Choosing the ideal dog to grow with your baby is a task that requires time and patience.

You will need to assess with your family several factors, including:

  • Economic issues (food, veterinary expenses, accessories, etc.)
  • Availability of space in the house
  • Time that can be devoted to the pet (walks, baths, games, consultations with the veterinarian, etc.)

And even though some experts say there are dog breeds more likely to get along with kids, don’t ever underestimate the possibility of adopting a pet that’s in a shelter waiting for a new home.

Be sure to consult professionals and people with children and dogs before making a decision that will certainly bring well-being to your baby and the whole family.

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