Find Out Some Fun Facts About Beetles

Revered as gods in Egyptian culture, beetles are capable of living in any type of ecosystem, whether it’s very arid or very wet. They can also survive in mountainous areas at more than 5,000 meters in altitude.
Discover some fun facts about beetles

Beetles are n’t usually our favorite insects, but they aren’t really scary either. We are sure that when you were little you were at one time watching what they did. Today we want to share some fun facts about the beetles that might surprise you.

Curiosities about beetles

What is its natural habitat?

One of the curiosities about beetles that has always attracted the attention of scientists is the fact that they do not have a specific natural habitat.

Therefore, they can be found anywhere on the planet and in any ecosystem. Regardless of whether it’s a desert, a forest or even a region near the sea, you can find a beetle.

Some of them are even seen on the shores of beaches as they are resistant to salt water.

Beetles have been around for millions of years

This is believed to be one of the most primitive animals in existence, with fossils dating back 270 million years. According to studies, the first specimen of beetles appeared during the Permian period.

Nor should we forget that ancient civilizations like the Egyptians treated him like a god.

Beetles were revered in ancient Egypt

The size of each insect can vary significantly.

Most people only know the full-sized black beetles, but the truth is that there are many different sizes and colors when it comes to beetles.

We can find specimens of one millimeter, imperceptible to human eyes, but there are also those that measure up to 20 centimeters. Can you imagine what it would be like to find a beetle bigger than your hand?

Beetles have bioluminescent capacity

Beetles have the ability to reflect their own light. It’s the same with fireflies, although they don’t seem to use it that much. This is an intrinsic ability they use when they see fit.

They act like a solar charger: they collect sunlight, store it and then use it when needed. A work of art from nature that inspired the inventors of solar lamps.

some are able to fly

Not everyone has this ability, but some species of beetle can fly, though they don’t unless strictly necessary.

The ladybug is a type of beetle

This is a very curious fact that many are unaware of: ladybugs are actually beetles! You probably never stopped to think that a beetle could be this cool.

They are, without a doubt, the most beautiful beetles out there.

ladybugs are beetles

Some beetles are able to swim

Before we talked about how some of them are resistant to salt water, but there are some species that can swim in both salt and fresh water. They can even breathe underwater. 

They are used in jewelry

The beetles that can fly have beautiful wings that, given their bioluminescence capacity, have incredible colors. This fact has not gone unnoticed by master jewelers, who use them to dissect them, harden them and sell them as jewelry. A luxury few have access to.

Beetles can even live in extremely high places.

We’ve already commented that any natural space can be a beetle’s habitat. Some species are already known to have survived in extreme natural environments, such as mountains at an altitude of 5,000 meters, which does not seem normal given their size.

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