Eliminate Dog Urine Odor Naturally

Eliminate Dog Urine Odor Naturally

We all love our pets; life is easier when we have a cat or dog in the house, but until they are adults, they will urinate all over the house and scratch our closets. We will definitely have a hard time teaching them that they can’t do these things at home, especially not to urinate where we don’t want to. But what happens when our dog urinates at home? Well, in addition to having to clean the pee, the house is impregnated with an unpleasant odor. That’s why we want to show you how to eliminate dog urine odor naturally, without using products that are harmful to both animal and human health.

Natural products that remove the odor of dog urine

Most of the products we need to eliminate dog urine odor can be found in our own pantry or on furniture in our home.

Even though they are not chemicals, it is important to ensure that they will not stain or discolor any surface, and that they are not harmful to your pet.

Therefore, we recommend that, before starting, you test it on a small surface of the area you are going to clean.

We advise that the urine is cleaned as soon as possible, as this will make it easier to remove the stain and ensure that the odor is not too strong.

Baking soda helps to get rid of dog urine

Baking soda is the best ally to eliminate your dog’s urine odor. It can be used alone or mixed with other products, since a basic feature of bicarbonate is that it helps to neutralize organic odors, such as urine.

In the case of using only the bicarbonate, the best thing to do is to put enough of it in the area where the smell is, leaving it to act for several hours. Therefore, it is best to leave it acting overnight and, the next day, vacuum it.

Vinegar to end dog urine

Vinegar is another natural product that will help you get rid of the bad smell, and if mixed with baking soda, the results will be even better.

You only have to mix two cups of white vinegar, two cups of warm water and 4 tablespoons of baking soda. It is best to put the mixture in a spray container. Then, just apply the spray in the place where the urine is and clean normally.

acabar com o odor de urina de cachorro

The lemon

Did you think lemon was only good for cooking? It also serves to clean and eliminate unpleasant odors. It has important properties, one of which is that it eliminates germs from any surface.

The process is very simple. Just mix two cups of water, half a cup of lemon juice, and another half cup of baking soda. We mix it well and apply it to the place where the urine is. It is preferable to keep the mixture in a spray container as this will be more practical.

Sodium borate

Sodium borate is also known as borax, and can be found in any supermarket. Just place this product in the place where the urine is and rub it with a dry cloth. Then let it act for an hour, and later vacuum the entire surface.

Eliminate dog urine odor from the carpet

Elimine o odor de urina de cachorro do tapete

If you are a person who likes rugs and carpets, but also has a dog at home, it is very important that you teach him to do his chores outside the home. However, if he has decided to urinate on the rug, it is very easy to eliminate the odor.

First, you should pour a little water over the urine and press down on the stain with a sponge, so that it absorbs all the liquid, but do not rub it so that the urine does not penetrate any further. Afterwards, you should finish removing all the liquid using a cloth.

When finished with the process, put some air freshener in place, using a spray. You will see how great the result will be!

But remember that this way of cleaning the rug should be used when your dog has finished urinating. If the urine is already dry, it is best to use a combination of vinegar and bicarbonate to clean it.

If you want to prevent your dog from urinating on the rug, we suggest you make a solution made up of equal parts water and vinegar. Spread it using a spray on the part of the rug where your dog usually urinates. You’ll see how he won’t do that anymore.

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