Dog Treats: A Great Idea, But In Moderation

Dog treats: a great idea, but in moderation

There’s nothing we like more than seeing our furry running and jumping for joy. The treats created especially for them can make them happy.  We know our four-legged friends love to eat, but canine treats drive them crazy!

But, as everything in excess is bad, knowing how and when to offer these treats to our dog is very important to preserve its health. Keep reading this article and learn more about the subject.

Canine treats, yes or no?

dog award

This is a very controversial subject, as some say we can give our dogs treats. Meanwhile, others claim that they can harm our animals’ health. But who is right?

The truth is that canine treats are made with special ingredients for them. Quality control ensures that they are not harmful to the hairs’ health. Plus, the snacks drive them crazy!

Who doesn’t like a treat once in a while? However, treats should only be offered to your dog once in a while. Anything in excess is harmful, and this kind of snack too.

When to offer treats to the dog?

These foods and snacks were created to be offered to the dog as a treat and not as a substitute for its diet. It should be just an add-on.

The treats have nutritional supplements that are beneficial to the dog’s health. However, it is not as rich in nutrients as traditional feed. In addition, they have a high level of calories, as is the case with sweets for humans.

If even knowing all this you still want to offer treats for your dog, make sure they do not represent more than 10% of your daily diet.

How to choose the right treats for dogs?

On the market, there are several types of canine snacks and food in different shapes, sizes, colors and flavors.

To find the best option for your dog, look for brands that have healthy substances, avoiding those that have a high concentration of sugars and fats.

Knowing your pet a little, you will know if he prefers bigger, crunchier or soft treats. Remember that the size of your dog will be proportional to the size of the treat.

Avoid products that contain cereals, as they contain unnecessary carbohydrates for the furry body. Go to a pet shop, see the options available and let your dog choose the foods he likes the most. In addition, you will be able to find out about the options and ingredients to make the best choice.

Is there another occasion to give the dog treats?

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In addition to serving as a treat, snacks are ideal for training. When you want your dog to learn a command or order, have some treats around and give him a little whenever he obeys.

You can also ask the dog to behave well at a certain time, such as when going for a walk in the street, for example. At these times, nothing better than a snack.

This will not only help your pet learn orders, but will strengthen the bond with him. After all, no one likes only being pointed out to mistakes, much less your dog. If you reinforce good behavior with treats, your furry will feel more loved.

Finally, remember not to offer your dog too many treats and if, for any reason, you overdo it a little, reduce the amount of other meals in the day so that he doesn’t get sick.

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